
Dolphin Data Lab has integrated more fast solutions to repair Seagate F3 hard drives easily and fast by simple clicks and the following is one of the live cases offered by one of our users in Australia who has got great success with dolphin data recovery tools.

Terminal messages of this Seagate F3 drive:

Rst 0x40M

MC Internal LPC Process Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has had a quick fix to one small compatibility issue of the common COM command list  and now users with this new version will easily check the common commands and use them easily by simple clicks.

Users no longer need to input those commands manually and save a lot of time on this one.

Dolphin Data Lab has released this new version of 1.13 and users can download from DFL-ST II user only forum: Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has released its DFL-ST II hdd firware repair tool since October 24 and now this tool has been successfully shipped to professional data recovery engineers in USA,  Canada, Brazil, France, Norway, Australia, Chile, Hongkong, etc.

Like what we have done for our famous DFL-WDII, we are creating more and more video instructions and upload to DFL-STII user-only forum and users can watch these videos and start to use them. Read more

Seagate Momentus 5400.6 hard drive repair

Rst 0x08M
RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121

RW Err = C3160084

RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121

RW Err = 43110081

RW cmd 0002 req = 75 5F 02 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121 Read more

Seagate is one of the biggest hard drive manufacturers besides western digital and seagate hard drive repair and seagate data recovery cases are very common within all our data recovery labs. This article will introduce to you the basic and important firmware modules of Seagate hard drive.

There’re two parts of firmware located on the platters’ minus tracks and ROM chip on the PCB, we call the part on the platter SA-service area or FW(firmware area).

A complete Seagate hard drive firmware contains  APP, Cert, Cert table, ATA(7200.10 and .9 contains ATA 0 and ATA 1) and vendor modules and ROM module. Read more

DFL-DE data recovery tool is not only one powerful disk imaging tool and data recovery equipment supporting all hdd brands, but one helpful data recovery tool with automatic hdd repair solutions to Seagate, Western Digital and Samsung hard drives. Read more

DFL-DE data recovery tool has integrated automatic hdd repair solutions to common Seagate, Samsung and Western digital HDD failures.

For Seagate 7200.12 hard disk drive, It has one very common hdd failure-the sectors are accessed to a certain LBA and then the remained sectors cannot be read. Many hdd repair tools cannot repair this one at all or cannot repair it properly. Read more