
Dolphin Data Lab has released the new DFL all in one data recovery software V20230301 to work with the data recovery hardware tools.

The new V20230301 data recovery software has been uploaded to DFL user-only forum and users can login the forum to upgrade to the latest. It’s strongly recommended for all DFL users to upgrade to latest for the best firmware repair and data recovery success rate.

What’s new in this new software upgrade?

01: ST8000NM0105 G001 G004 Firmware Repair Support Added to DFL Seagate HDD Repair Tool, other firmware versions can be unlocked with old software. There’s now a new mode option-Mode 2 when users are trying to generate the unlock ROM, users need to select mode 2;
02: Seagate SMR hdd format data recovery such as rosewood EB01 format recovery;
03: Seagate weak head repair for new F3 families for data recovery purpose, it is very helpful for some weak head cases which don’t require head swap;
04: DFL-DDP image setting enhancement: enhance success rate for the following drives and cases:
WD SMR drives with all sectors 0000, Seagate drives SEDU, 241A, etc.
05: Full firmware repair and data recovery software codes improvement to get the software working more smoothly and excellently;

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This is one very interesting Seagate ST4000LM024 firmware repair and data recovery case study because the patient hard drive has multiple firmware failures and finally the lost data was perfectly recovered by DFL SRP All-in-one data recovery equipment.

Patient HDD iD:
Model Number: ST4000LM024-2AN17V

Patient HDD Failure Symptoms:
Busy, Undetected, Nohost, Wrong Data Area

COM Terminal Error Messages:

‘Boot 0x80M

Rst 0x80M
[RSO is disabled]

(P) SATA Reset

No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1
ServoDiscSlip Time = 00000039’

Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps

1, Select correct family ID: M11(A1) and Enter DFL Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Software(no need to power on);
2, Backup ROM;
3, Generate unlock ROM;
4, Write unlock ROM;
5, Power off and on and send unlock Key;
6, Backup NGlist and other important SYS files;
7, Clear G-list;
8, Regenerate translator;
9, Initialize by ID(COM);
10,Power off and on and send unlock key;
11,Fix the wrong data/data offset issue;
12,Enter DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost data was available for immediate data recovery.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one Western Digital dead hard drive data recovery case study for one DFL user in USA. The patient HDD had the original PCB burnt and the hdd didn’t power up at all.

HDD model number: WD10EAVS
PCB number: 771537
Family: Kermit

HDD repair tools and Data Recovery equipment used in this case study: DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool and DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Data Recovery Steps:

1, The DFL user had one donor hdd, he made a backup of firmware, rom;
2, Installed donor PCB to patient HDD, load donor ATA modules, enter DFL-WD program, original hdd firmware modules were found and read successfully;
3, Loading module 01 to load module list, loading module dir to RAM;
4, Writing donor modules to patient HDD and firmware restart;
5, Writing original key firmware modules 03, 31, 32, 36, 40, 49, 4A;
6, Firmware restart and the data area could be accessed normally.

Please note: the donor fw need to be from the same family, similar microcode.


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This is one successful WD hdd firmware repair and data recovery case study for one DFL user from Bangladesh and all lost data was recovered by DFL-PCIe data recovery hardware tool.

HDD Model ID: WD20NMVW-11W68S0
PCB number: 2060-771801

Failure symptoms:

External hdd was not detected by pc
Data was not accessed

The user converted the USB PCB to SATA PCB(771823) and then connected to DFL PCIe data recovery hardware for diagnosis.

DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool was firstly used to diagnose the firmware corruption issue and the common slow firmware issue was detected and this issue was fixed by one click.

Next DFL-DDP data recovery equipment was used to set up one disk image project and auto decryption function was used to decrypt the data. Finally all lost partitions and files were recovered.


Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

How to Recover Toshiba G4330A MQ04UBD200 MQ04UBF100 Portable Hard Drives?

It is very common data recovery case to recover lost deleted data from Toshiba USB3.0 portable hard drives. For DFL users, they usually use DFL-URE USB3.0 data recovery hardware tool to connect the USB drives directly for disk image or file extraction.

In some cases, the portable drives cannot be detected in PC and ask for format to continue; In some cases, when users insert the drives to pc, the pc gets stuck, the drives are actually running very slowly with bad sectors in the booting part; In some cases, the portable hdd has weak heads but still detected, users can use DFL-URE data recovery USB version or NVME version to image by heads; In some cases, the Toshiba portable HDDs have clicking noises indicating head damage, users need to use Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro. to swap heads in clean room environment and then use DFL hdd repair tools and data recovery tools for possible firmware repair and data recovery.

When users are trying to repair firmware corruption or image the patient HDDs with bad sectors or weak heads, users are mostly going to convert the USB interface to SATA interface, for Toshiba G4330A MQ04UBD200 MQ04UBF100 USB3.0 portable hard drives, users have two options: get compatible G4330A SATA PCB or get Toshiba G4330A Sata Connector Pro.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

How to recover Toshiba G003250A MQ01UBD100 MQ01UBD050 USB3.0 portable hard drives?

It is very common data recovery case to recover lost deleted data from Toshiba USB3.0 portable hard drives. For DFL users, they usually use DFL-URE USB3.0 data recovery hardware tool to connect the USB drives directly for disk image or file extraction.

In some cases, the portable drives cannot be detected in PC and ask for format to continue; In some cases, when users insert the drives to pc, the pc gets stuck, the drives are actually running very slowly with bad sectors in the booting part; In some cases, the portable hdd has weak heads but still detected, users can use DFL-URE data recovery USB version or NVME version to image by heads; In some cases, the Toshiba portable HDDs have clicking noises indicating head damage, users need to use Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro. to swap heads in clean room environment and then use DFL hdd repair tools and data recovery tools for possible firmware repair and data recovery.

When users are trying to repair firmware corruption or image the patient HDDs with bad sectors or weak heads, users are mostly going to convert the USB interface to SATA interface, for Toshiba G003250A MQ01UBD100 MQ01UBD050 USB3.0 portable hard drives, users have two options: get compatible G003250A SATA PCB or get Toshiba G003250A Sata Connector Pro.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Firmware has two parts: one part of firmware is located on the PCB and the other part of firmware is located on the hard drive platters. When hard drive firmware is corrupted, the hard drive is usually not detected, or wrongly detected or 0 capacity detected. To fix the firmware corruption, users need to read, edit and write the firmware modules. However, when the hard drives have bad sectors in the SA firmware area, the firmware modules cannot be read or written, what to do? Read more

Dolphin team has released the new western digital firmware repair software upgrade with new functions based on Dolphin users’ feedback. These new firmware repair functions help to deal with some difficult faulty drives after head swap or fail to fix with standard repair methods. Read more

DFL-WD Auto is one famous WD HDD Auto repair tool from Dolphin Data Lab. It is one WD hdd repair hardware with windows-based software. It’s super easy to use and understand, users can see full operations and logs online and can see how the hdd is repaired step by step by the program.

Users just need to have simple clicks to start the repair. Read more

To refurbish Toshiba hard drives requires proper hdd repair knowledge. For new users, it is very important to learn one thing, that is to backup the firmware modules and ROM. Backup is one important operation before any other operations, the backup can be collected as firmware resources, can be prepared for further hdd repair or data recovery purpose.
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