
Seagate hard drive firmware repair tool-DFL-Seagate
Section 1:
HDD Working Modes
Engineer can work in both ATA and COM terminal mode to diagnose and repair the HDD.

Section 2: Repair Modes

DFL Seagate firmware repair tool can do both hdd repair and hdd refurbishing, hdd repair is to fix firmware failures without affecting data but hdd refurbishing will remove bad sectors and destroy data.

Section 3: Number of HDD Supported by the DFL Seagate Hardware

Users can connect 3 drives to SRP portable Seagate hdd repair tool and 4 drives to PCIe Seagate hdd repair tool.

Section 4: Operating System to Install the software

Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, any of them is ok. DFL tools have unique driverless technology, no need to install device drivers.

Section 5: Biggest Advantages over Competitors

Easy to use and install on any pc, powerful with best technique support and data recovery resources.
Free data recovery training videos here:

Section 6: What Kind of Seagate HDD Failures DFL Seagate can Fix

01: Seagate HDDs with many bad sectors;
02: Seagate HDDs with SA locked;
03: Seagate HDDs with ATA locked;
04: Wrongly detected Seagate hard drives;
05: 0 capacity detected Seagate hard drives;
06: Undetected/Busy Seagate hard drives;
07: Dead Seagate hard drives, to fix this kind of dead Seagate drives, users need to have ROM chip reader, donor PCB sources or physical head and platter swap tools to work with DFL Seagate firmware repair tool;
08: Seagate patient HDDs with LED status;
09: Seagate patient HDDs with weak heads;

Section 7: Common Seagate HDD Firmware Failures-Quick Fix

01: Busy fix;
02: Capacity 0 fix;
03: Ready then Busy Fix;
04: DWF fix;
05: Sim 1002 fix;
06: Sim 1009 fix;
07: MCMT corruption fix;
08: Dos fix;
09: SMART fix;
10: LED fix;
11: Partial sector access fix;
12: Clear NG;
13: Remove password;
14: SMR HDD Format fix;
15: SSHD non-spin fix;
16: Clear media cache;
17: Load ATA/APP for old Seagate drive(Barracuda 7200.7-.10);
18: CELOG fix;

Section 8: ROM Operations-Firmware on PCB

01: Read ROM by ATA or COM;
02: Write ROM by COM at any defined baud rates;
03: Head adaptive ROM;
04: CC49 ROM;
05: Edit head map in ROM;
06: Terminal/firmware unlock by generating and writing unlock rom;
07: Edit ROM;
08, Cut head in ROM;
09, Adjust Heads’ Working Temperature;
10, Disable Subsystem to fix LED issue;
11, Change ROM modules, write key original rom modules to donor ROM;
12: Nohost fix ROM generation;

Section 9: Service Area Operations-Firmware on Platters

01: Read/write firmware modules;
02: Read/write tracks;
03: Read/write/Edit SYS files;
04: Repair unknown firmware failures by tracks;
05: Repair unknown firmware failures by ABA;
06: Read/Write LOD;
07: Read/write SA;
08: Scan and record bad sector locations and add bad sectors to P-list;
09: Edit HDD ID (Model number/ LBA /SN number) and remove password;
10: Test SYS files;

Section 10: Service Area in RAM

01: Edit head map in RAM;
02: Load ATA in RAM;
03: Edit ID in RAM;
04: SAP Control flag;
05: Load translator to RAM;
06: Load ROM to RAM (for hot swap purpose);

Section 11: Defects Operations

01: Read/write/Edit G-list, P-list, NG list, Smart;
02: Delete non-SF defects in P-list, very helpful for fixing some sector access problems;
03: Delete specific defects on specific heads, this is usually used to cut heads for hdd refurbishing purpose;
04, Translator Clear and regeneration;
05: Translator Auto fix;
06, Format with Glist/Plist;
07: Offline bad sector repair;

Note: When users are trying to install the G3 800041 USB to SATA adapter, the following tips are important:

01: Remove the screws on the margin of the HDD;

02: Separating the screw of the soldering metal dot;

Order G3 2060-800041 USB to SATA Data Recovery Adapter here

How to install G3 USB to SATA Data Recovery Adapter

This is one successful Seagate ST1000DM010 Pharaoh Oasis FamilyId 94 HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery case study.

HDD Failure Symptoms:
Fail to access firmware area, Partial Sector Access

Pharaoh Oasis LuxorLite 1.0, 1MB Flash, ABIE, PBASeed, SP2.5, DFヤZN1MB3NK
Product FamilyId: 94, MemberId: 06
HDA SN: ZN1MB3NK, RPM: 7197, Wedges: 188, Heads: 2, OrigHeads: 2, Lbas: 00000E8FEAA6, PreampType: B0 D4
Bits/Symbol: C, Symbols/UserSector: BEB, Symbols/SystemSector: 1A5
PCBA SN: 0000M125B0JJ, Controller: LUXORLPLUS_2_0(0205), Channel: STX_DUNRAVEN, PowerAsic: Unknown Rev 00, BufferBytes: 4000000
SF ID: 0 0, SF Part Size: 400, Flash Used: 400
Package Version: PAA5010B4.CCD4.PH021C.CC43 , Package P/N: 100792845, Package Global ID: 00496476,
Package Build Date: 12/03/2015, Package Build Time: 11:20:16, Package CFW Version: PAA5010B4.CCD4.PH021C.00969095.00496476.CC43 ,
Package SFW1 Version: B423, Package SFW2 Version: —-, Package SFW3 Version: —-, Package SFW4 Version: —-
Controller FW Rev: 12031120, CustomerRel: CC43, Changelist: 00969095, ProdType: PAA5010.CCD4QC, Date: 12/03/2015, Time: 112016, UserId: 00496476
Servo FW Rev: B423
TCG IV Version: n/a
Package BPN: 36
RAP FW Implementation Key: 16, Format Rev: 0005, Contents Rev: 0B 01 00 00
Active BFW Container: 0
4K Sys Area: 0
– Quadradic Equation AFH enabled
– VBAR with adjustable zone boundaries enabled
– Volume Based Sparing enabled
– IOEDC enabled
– IOECC enabled
– DERP Read Retries enabled v.
– LTTC-UDR2 disabled
– SuperParity 2.5 enabled
– Humidity Sensor disabled
– Media Cache Partition enabled
– Background Reli Activity Critical Event Logging disabled
– Torn Write Protection disabled
– SubRelease:0
– DRAM Mirror disabled

HDD Repair Tools and Data Recovery Tools Required:

DFL Seagate HDD Firmware Repair Tool
DFL-DDP Data Recovery Equipment

HDD Firmware Repair Steps and Data Recovery Steps:

Unlock firmware area and enter F3 T>;
Backup important sys files;
Clear glist;
Clear nglist;
Regenerate translator;
Open DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost partitions are available for immediate data recovery.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Within DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool, users get one very helpful firmware repair function: to extract firmware modules from SA region.

To read Western Digital hard drive firmware modules, the firmware repair software usually needs to read module directory(module map) and then read other firmware modules according to module directory. But when the module directory is located on bad sectors or corrupted, the module list is empty and firmware modules couldn’t be read. At this time, users usually find donor rom and loaders of the same microcode to write to patient hdd to access the firmware area or try hot swap method to access firmware modules.

After users have this function to extract firmware modules from SA region, users just need to load loaders to undetected patient hard drives and then read SA region copy 0 or copy 1 and then the software can extract the modules easily and automatically.

For undetected hard drives, only if users get the patient hdd firmware modules, specially key modules, firmware repair will become easier. For example, users can write donor rom and fw to get patient hdds detected and then write patient key firmware modules to access the data area properly.

After firmware repair, users can use DFL-DDP data recovery software to recover lost data.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

MQ02ABF050H MQ02ABD100H Toshiba SSHD data recovery cases are common in many data recovery labs worldwide.

When users receive the MQ02ABF050H MQ02ABD100H Toshiba SSHDs or similar ones, users try to access the data area but failed. If running logical scan, users may get full disk bad sectors.

To fix above Toshiba SSHD failures, users need to enter the DFL Toshiba HDD firmware repair software, menu path: Firmware Operations>Change Disk Configuration>Turn Off Flash Permanent Cache.

Next users just need to click Tech Off mode and users can run logical scan successfully and access to data area.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one successful data recovery case study for one DFL user in Peru.
Patient HDD ID: ST1000LM035-1RK172 Firmware-LFM1 Family-Rosewood AF
Patient HDD failure: very slow and difficult to enter data area.




Tech Unlock Handshake: 0xC1BABDEA
TCC:0019:0020 EMCDataErr:00000013














































TCC:001B:0021 EMCDataErr:00000013





ASCII Diag mode

F3 T>^Z

ASCII Diag mode

F3 T>V40


TCC:001B:0026 EMCDataErr:00000013

SIM FileFD=FC36A103 ErrorCode=43160080 DiscLBA=0000000000004FE4 Duration=00000489 ms

SIM FileFD=FC36B104 ErrorCode=43160080 DiscLBA=0000000000005014 Duration=0000047E ms

SIM FileFD=FC368101 ErrorCode=43160080 DiscLBA=0000000000004F82 Duration=0000047E ms

SIM FileFD=FC362035 ErrorCode=43160080 DiscLBA=0000000000005B03 Duration=00000488 msNonresident GList 64 entries returned
Total entries available: 80
PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI
8B448A 1 0 4452 0 0 AA78D
8B4491 1 0 4452 0 7 B0334
8B458A 1 0 4452 0 100 2AD25
8B468C 1 0 4453 0 67 119C3E
8B490D 1 0 4454 0 14D 9FBE6
8B4C72 1 0 4456 0 17C FC109
8C4AD0 1 0 44F5 0 95 126538
8CE45B 2 0 4555 0 0 396C3
8CE45D 1 20 4555 0 2 3B0C5
8D3307 ED 0 4586 0 1 1BB8E
8DDECF F 0 45F1 0 0 D027B
8DDEDF 4 0 45F1 0 10 DD40B
8DDEE4 31 0 45F1 0 15 E15B0
8DDF16 49 0 45F1 0 47 10A4E2
8DDF60 AF 0 45F1 0 91 146EEC
8DE010 58 0 45F1 0 141 85C34
8DFA1A 199 0 4602 0 0 14861D
8E48C5 199 0 4633 0 0 129E07
8EAAB4 199 0 4670 0 0 FD041
8F96B5 27 0 4703 0 0 A17FF
8F96DD DB 0 4703 0 28 C2427
989A28 1 0 4CA0 0 64 7EC6D
BCAAD2 1 0 5094 0 18F 58B0B
F836B4 1 0 646D 0 0 2C6C1
F897AF 2 0 64AA 0 0 3
F8B44D A 0 64BC 0 0 91B3F
F8B458 F 0 64BC 0 B 9AB55
FAA455 3 0 65F4 0 0 6E2A7
FB0A15 4 0 6634 0 0 91B3F
FB251C 3 0 6645 0 0 108C09
1505A32 1 20 9875 1 78 65BA8
157E04E 1 20 78BD 0 8A 3737D
1753B6A 1 0 8A57 0 0 BB5A9
17C0247 1 0 8E6C 0 0 CDE75
2759770 1 20 CFF3 0 116 B6467
EAC28DD 27 0 5C0BA 0 79 960B5
EAC2905 28 0 5C0BA 0 A1 F6B4
EAC29F6 2A 0 5C0BC 0 0 4BF3E
EAE78BA 1 0 F50 0 15D 7D5AE
EAE78BC 1 0 F50 0 15F 7F008
EAE7986 1 0 F51 0 72 142055
EAE7989 1 0 F51 0 75 1447DC
EAE7A5A 1 0 F51 0 146 87413
EAE7A5D 1 0 F51 0 149 89B9A
EAE7B2E 2 0 F52 0 63 1527E0
EAE7B31 1 0 F52 0 66 154F67
EAE7C02 1 0 F52 0 137 97BE0
EAE7C05 1 0 F52 0 13A 9A325
EAE7CD6 1 0 F53 0 54 162F5B
EAE7CD9 1 0 F53 0 57 1656E2
EAE7DAA 1 0 F53 0 128 A836B
EAE7DAD 1 0 F53 0 12B AAAB0
EAE7E7E 1 0 F54 0 45 A980
EAE7E81 1 0 F54 0 48 D0C5
EAE7F52 1 0 F54 0 119 B8AE6
EAE7F55 1 0 F54 0 11C BB278
EAE8026 1 0 F55 0 36 1B10B
EAE8029 1 0 F55 0 39 1D850
EAE80FA 1 0 F55 0 10A C9271
EAE80FD 1 0 F55 0 10D CB9F8
EAE81CE 1 0 F56 0 27 2B896
EAE81D1 2 0 F56 0 2A 2DFDB
EAE82A2 1 0 F56 0 FB D99FC
EAE82A5 1 0 F56 0 FE DC183
EAE8376 1 0 F57 0 18 3C021
EAE8379 1 0 F57 0 1B 3E7A8
EAE844A 1 0 F57 0 EC EA187
EAE844D 1 0 F57 0 EF EC90E
EAE851E 1 0 F58 0 9 4C7AC
EAE8521 1 0 F58 0 C 4EF33
EAF4E76 1 0 FCD 0 BE 3649E
EAF4E78 2 0 FCD 0 C0 37EF8
EAF5BA2 1 0 FD5 0 32 BAEC5
EAF5BA4 1 0 FD5 0 34 BC91F
EAF5C6E 1 0 FD5 0 FE 162747
EAF5C71 1 0 FD5 0 101 164E8C
EAF5D42 1 0 FD6 0 1B C4D6C
EAF5D45 1 0 FD6 0 1E C74B1
EAF5E16 1 0 FD6 0 EF A12A
EAF5E19 1 0 FD6 0 F2 C8B1
EAF5EEA 1 0 FD7 0 C D54F7
EAF5EED 1 0 FD7 0 F D7C3C
EAF5FBE 1 0 FD7 0 E0 1A8B5
EAF5FC1 2 0 FD7 0 E3 1D03C
EAF6092 1 0 FD7 0 1B4 C8A5D
EAF6095 1 0 FD8 0 0 E8409
EAF6166 2 0 FD8 0 D1 2B040
EAF6169 1 0 FD8 0 D4 2D7C7
EAF623A 1 0 FD8 0 1A5 D91E8
EAF623D 1 0 FD8 0 1A8 DB92D
EAF630E 1 0 FD9 0 C2 3B80D
EAF6311 2 0 FD9 0 C5 3DF52
EAF63E2 1 0 FD9 0 196 E9973
EAF63E5 1 0 FD9 0 199 EC0B8
EAF64B6 2 0 FDA 0 B3 4BF88
EAF64B9 2 0 FDA 0 B6 4E6CD
EAF658A 1 0 FDA 0 187 FA0FE
EAF658D 1 0 FDA 0 18A FC885
EAF665E 1 0 FDB 0 A4 5C713
EAF6661 1 0 FDB 0 A7 5EE58

SIM FileFD=FC362035 ErrorCode=43160080 DiscLBA=0000000000005B03 Duration=0000047D msNonresident GList 1C entries returned
Total entries available: 80
PBA Len Flags Phy Cyl Hd PhySctr SFI
EAF6732 1 0 FDB 0 178 10A879
EAF6735 1 0 FDB 0 17B 10D000
EAF6806 1 0 FDC 0 95 6CE9E
EAF6809 1 0 FDC 0 98 6F625
EFD6B7F 1 0 2C9D 1 DF DE084
F0A0E62 1 0 27EA 0 153 13C87A
F0A0E66 1 0 27EA 0 157 13FCEC
F0A0E6F 1 0 27EA 0 160 14733F
F0B43F4 1 0 28A0 0 ED A41EE
F0BDBD2 1 0 28F9 0 137 138968
F0BEB95 1 0 2902 0 1A6 12EB15
F0C1D4F 1 0 2920 0 48 AD88F
F0C2496 1 0 2924 0 BF 2C59C
F0C2721 1 0 2925 0 196 F981F
F0C43A2 1 0 2936 0 123 11AD2A
F0C67E5 1 0 294B 0 1A2 11FF97
F0C9E11 1 0 296B 0 14E 4BFA1
F0DCBD2 1 0 2A1C 0 19B 11E0A2
F0E4AEB 1 0 2A67 0 F8 B4C61
F0E4F6C 1 0 2A6A 0 5D 8B4C4
F0E4F6E 1 0 2A6A 0 5F 8CEDC
F0E62FE 1 0 2A75 0 133 120560
F0E6311 1 0 2A75 0 146 12FEF1
F0E7A30 1 0 2A83 0 8D C1F68
F0E7A32 1 0 2A83 0 8F C39C2
F0ED09E 1 0 2AB6 0 1F A2BBC
F0ED0A4 1 0 2AB6 0 25 A7A88
F0FCB72 4 0 2B49 0 97 F9D9A

F3 T>^T

ESLIP mode


ASCII Diag mode

HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps:

Backup ROM;
Generate unlock ROM;
Write unlock ROM and send unlock key to unlock firmware area for firmware repair;
Backup important SYS files;
Clear g-list and smart;
Clear ng-list;
Fix media cache issue;
Regenerate translator.

HDD Repair and data recovery tools required within this case study:

DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool
DFL-DDP hdd data recovery tool

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

G3(Generation 3) WD SMR HDD 800067 USB-SATA Data Recovery Adapter Pro. is created to make WD SMR USB HDD data recovery easier and more successful. After using this 800067 G3 adapter, users can easily work on the 800067 USB hdd by SATA interface without the SED headache.

G3 WD SMR HDD 800067 USB-SATA Data Recovery Adapter Pro. contains the following items:

01: 800067 USB to SATA connector;
02: USB Type-C Cable;
03: Software to read/write 800067 USB HDD rom and adjust SATA data signals.

Wow Features of G3 WD SMR HDD 800067 USB-SATA Data Recovery Adapter Pro.

01: Super easy to install this G3 SATA adapter to the 800067 USB PCB;
02: Independent simple software to read rom, write rom directly without using flash programmer;
03: Buffer chip used and users can use the given simple software to adjust the SATA data signals to make firmware operations, disk image and file extraction faster and make data transfer more stable, this makes it possible to bypass the capacitors removal;
04: Power stabilizator is used;
05: ESD protection is adopted.

Steps to use G3 WD SMR HDD 800067 USB-SATA Data Recovery Adapter Pro.

01: Install 800067 G3 SATA adapter;
02: Read original 800067 ROM with G3 adapter software;
03: Generate unlock rom by DFL-WD firmware repair tool;
04: Write unlock rom with G3 adapter software;
05: Disable 411 and backup firmware modules, specially module 190;
06: Test firmware modules and repair corrupted firmware modules;
07: Image patient drive or extract lost data directly.

Users can order this Super Version of WD SMR 800067 USB-SATA HDD Data Recovery Adapter here.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one typical western digital hard drive firmware repair and data recovery case study.

Patient HDD iD:

PCB: 2060-771823, originally 2060-771801
Family: SHREK
Head number: 8

Failure symptoms:

Undetected, SED

HDD Repair tools and Data recovery tools required in this case study:

DFL-WD hdd repair tool
DFL-DDP data recovery tool

HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps:

01: Enter DFL-WD firmware repair software by kernel mode;
02: Backup Rom and disable 02;
03: Restart firmware and re-enter the program;
04: Fix slow issue by ABA;
05: Test firmware modules and key modules are all good;
06: Open DFL-DDP data recovery software, one click to decrypt the data;
07: Set up one file extraction project, and all the lost folders and files were listed and available for data recovery.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one very successful data recovery case study of Seagate Rosewood hard drive with firmware failure for one DFL user in Peru.

Boot 0x80M
Tech Unlock Handshake: 0x1FFBD19D
Rst 0x80M

T:0x0000 0x0270A57E
Srv DETCR init 0x0000


(P) SATA Reset


(DOS Table) Worst Count: 00000C3A At SU: 0000577F NT: 00000000 OT: 00000034
(MC POR Duration): 0000000134

Intel 6G->3G

Send Status: COMRESET seen

CSpd= 3Gbps

Update Mask – 0000000010A54410 – 00000008 – 00

Update Mask – 0000000010A54418 – 00000008 – 00

Starting LBA of RW Request=000214A2B1 Length=00000990

ProcessRWError -Read- at LBA 000214A90F Sense Code=43110081

Common path start quit now
ProcessRC: 00000000,00000000
SkipLen: 00000000
ReadContinuous: 0214A779,00000330
NumUDEs: 00000056,0000007A,00000324
Passed: 00000080,00000146,000002DE


LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F

Users can watch the video here on how to fix above firmware repair and data recovery case.

Firmware repair and data recovery tools used within this case:

DFL-SRP Seagate HDD Repair Tool
DFL-DDP Data Recovery Tool

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one data recovery case from one DFL user in Indonesia and it’s actually one Seagate physical hdd firmware repair and data recovery cases.

Model : ST1000LM035-1RK172
Serial : WKP4P877
Firmware : EB01
Capacity : 281474976710655 (134217728.00GB)
Obtain failed
Sector size : 512
Heads number : Obtain failed

COM Terminal Output Messages:









Above hdd failure was caused by head corruption and the user swapped the heads and finally got all lost data back with DFL-DDP data recovery tool.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: