
This is one Seagate ST2000NM012A-2MP130 hard drive firmware repair and data recovery case study from one Dolphin user in Colombia. The user failed to fix this case by other data recovery tools and then applied for remote support from Dolphin engineers.

Patient HDD iD:

Family: B5 Cimarron

Patient HDD Symptoms

HDD detected but all sectors are not accessible

HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps

01: Seagate hdd rom backup and unlock rom generation by DFL seagate hdd repair software;
02: Write unlock rom, power off and on, send unlock key to unlock firmware area;
03: Backup important SYS files;
04: Remove password-2;
05: Repair module 40;
06: Write back original ROM;
07: Open DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost partitions and folders are available for immediate data recovery.

Any question is welcome to sales[@] or add Dolphin skype ID:

Samsung USB HDD PCB numbers:  BF41-00300A
Samsung USB HDD Compatible SATA PCB number:  BF41-00306A

USB PCB numbers:  BF41-00365A,BF41-00373A
Compatible SATA PCB number: BF41-00354A

USB PCB numbers: BF41-00325A,BF41-00357A,BF41-00311A
Compatible SATA PCB number: BF41-00315A

USB PCB numbers: BF41-00282A
Compatible SATA PCB number: BF41-00249B

USB PCB numbers: BF41-00231B
Compatible SATA PCB number: BF41-00157A

USB PCB numbers: 100725482,100760718
Compatible SATA PCB number: 100720903

USB PCB numbers: 100740633
Compatible SATA PCB number: 100739392

USB PCB numbers:  100765396
Compatible SATA PCB number: 100767980

Here is one recommended package of Samsung 2.5″ USB HDD compatible SATA PCBs, users can easily convert the USB to SATA interface.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one Seagate ST500LX005 Dead SSHD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery case study for one DFL user in USA.

Get lost data back from one Seagate Laptop Thin SSHD – 500GB Hybrid Hard Drive – ST500LX005!

ST500LX005-Family: Kahuna_5400
Failure: motor not spinning

Similar models with similar not spinning failures:


Similar case studies here:


HDD Firmware Repair Tools and Data Recovery Tools Required:

DFL-Seagate HDD Firmware Repair Tool
DFL-DDP Data Recovery Equipment

ST500LM000, ST1000LM014, ST500LX005 Dead SSHD Non-spinning HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps:

01: Backup original Rom;
02: Generate adaptive rom(500G/1T);
Menu path: Common Functions>Common Repair>SSHD>Kahuna_5400
03: Write adaptive rom to patient HDD;
04; Access to data area normally.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has created one unique firmware repair and data recovery solution for Western Digital slow hard drives including the WD SMR hard drives. This new function is called ‘Adjust Adaptive Parameters’.

Western Digital HDD Slow Issue types:

01: Firmware slow-users can fix the corrupted firmware modules to fix the slow issue. DFL-WD HDD Repair Tool offers one-click slow fix solutions: Common>Common Repair>Slow Fix for traditional WD hard drives and DFL-DDP data recovery tool offers easy-to-use slow fix for WD SMR hard drives: DDP>Western Digital>Change Disk Configuration>Set the sector r/w response time.

02: Physical slow-users need to use the new data recovery solution to enhance the head r/w capabilities and make the drives read/write quickly. Menu path within DFL-WD hdd repair tool: Common>Adjust Adaptive Parameters

Please note: Some WD hard drives are full of bad sectors due to head corruption and users need to swap heads to fix and get lost data back.

Users can watch the video instruction here on how to use ‘Adjust Adaptive Parameters’ for data recovery without head swap.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one of success data recovery cases done by DFL engineer today for an India user. Here are the reported symptoms by user: case detection is good but the sectors are not accessible, I unlocked ROM and I read sector, every sector value was showing encrypted, so I decided to write back original ROM to patient, but the same issue persisted with no sector access, how to solve this problem? Read more

The following are all the Samsung common firmware repair solutions within DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

01: LED 1AXX Fix;
02: Clear A-list;
03: Reset Smart;
04: Remove Password;
05: Soft Reset (COM);
06: Hard Reset (COM);

As for Samsung hard drives, the firmware is not easy to get damaged, the most common Samsung failures are PCB damage, rom damage and head damage.

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

With more and more firmware resources uploaded, our Resources Center is becoming more abundant and comprehensive for users to find their wanted firmware. Our constant efforts are only for the purpose of users’ convenience.

Western Digital is one of most top-rated hdd brands, so WD firmware resources are usually needed to many users. We are trying to offer more firmware resources for those universal hdds in present market, including WD 1672, 1698, 1692, 1820, 1823, 1852, 1960, 1945, 1959, etc. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has recently worked out one unique data recovery technology for new western digital hard drives such as the WD PCB1698 series, 17XX, 18XX and 19XX series, that’s the 5c loading technology. With 5c loading, users can fix these new western digital hard drives with much higher efficiency and success rate.

We have explained the traditional data recovery methods in one previous article: How To Fix WD PCB1698 and newer HDDs For Data Recovery Purpose With DFL-WD II HDD Repair Tool, within that article, we explained three methods to recover lost data from western digital hard drives: Read more

Dolphin Data Lab is offering free WD hard drive firmware resources to all our users so that they can refurbish western digital hard drives with our DFL-FRP for WD for a much higher success.

When users purchase the DFL-FRP for WD from us, whether it’s the Western Digital standard version or advanced version, users will get one CD with our DFL customized western digital common firmware resources. Read more

This is a ST3500830AS 500gb with following problem from terminal.

4096k x 16 DRAM
GALAXY – 1_Disk S-6D 09-22-06_15:48

(P)SATA Reset
(H)SATA Reset Read more