
Dolphin Data Lab has created many new data recovery hardware tools and software to help those who are new to data recovery field or who want to set up your own data recovery lab professionally or who want to improve their data recovery success rate.

To minimize your investment in data recovery field, the following are very good choices for data recovery from laptop hard drives, desktop hard drives, external portable hard drives, usb flash drives, M2 SATA SSDs, M2 NVME SSDs, U.2 NVME SSDs, etc. Besides, users can use the Dolphin DVR Pro. to recover lost videos from CCTV, DVR, HVR, NVR, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

Option 1: Data recovery tools with installment/recharge plan

DFL PCIe Data Recovery Express. Recharge Version
DFL All-in-one Data Recovery Adapter Plus
Head and platter swap and clean suite
Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro.
Dolphin DVR Pro.

Option 2: One-time Cost Data Recovery Tools

DFL-SRP USB3.0 all-in-one Data Recovery Equipment
DFL All-in-one Data Recovery Adapter Plus
Head and platter swap and clean suite
Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro.
Dolphin DVR Pro.

Special offer for all Dolphin users who order data recovery tools of either option 1 or option 2:

Two years’ free software upgrade and technique support
Five free remote support each month in the first two years
Data Recovery training u-disk as a gift with many free training docs.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has upgraded DFL all-in-one data recovery tools to latest version: V2.4.

Latest versions as below:

DFL-DDP data recovery tool: software version 2.4
Seagate hdd firmware repair tool: software version 4.3;
Western Digital hdd firmware repair tool: software version 3.0;
Samsung hdd firmware repair tool: software version 2.1;
Toshiba/Fujitsu hdd firmware repair tool: software version 1.61;
Hitachi/IBM hdd firmware repair tool: software version 1.41

All DFL users worldwide can check your current software version and find out if you are using the above latest software. If not, users can go to the DFL user-only forum and download the latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software V2.4 here.

The new data recovery functions available within the latest data recovery software V2.4 are mainly for new drives, new data recovery cases and higher data recovery success rate for exising drives and cases. The following are some new functions:

01: WD module 190 auto repair improvement;
02: WD weak head repair to enhance head read/write capability by adjusting head adaptives;
03: Seagate HDD LED repair-new solution, easier fix;
04: Seagate SMR format data recovery;
05: Seagate Set Max LBA within RAM and SA;
06: …

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has released the latest software of Dolphin DR Assistant Pro-V1.41 and all users can use this software more efficiently and successfully.

What’s new in this new Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. V1.41?

1.Support file rename for documents with partial corruption;
2.Deleting desktop.ini is added;
3.Deleting thumbs.db is added;
4.File size range to delete is added;
5.Support file type rename of doc,xls,docx,xlsx,zip,rar,pdf,txt;
6.The program can put all invalid files to one special folder;
7.Recognition of doc/xls file format using xml wrong file type;

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin data recovery hardware tools have very good data recovery solutions to get the lost data back from Western Digital hard drives with head failure.

Head failure means the patient drive has something wrong on the hard drive read or write heads and therefore the data area could not be accessed normally.

Head failure can be weak head, single head damage, multiple heads damage or total heads damage. To fix these hdd head failure, users get the following data recovery solutions from Dolphin data recovery hardware tools:

01: Head map setup, users can image data from good heads first and then weak heads;
02: Edit head map in RAM, enable or disable heads easily;
03: Head map editing in ROM, users can turn off heads to find out which heads are damaged;
04: Adjust adaptive parameters/head flying height to enhance the heads’ read/write capabilities(Unique and innovative data recovery solution);
05: Edit mrjogs parameters/module 47 regeneration;
06: Heads read/write test;
Above functions are available within DFL-WD hdd firmware repair tool.

07: WD standard head replacement tools and WD SLIM hdd head replacement tool to swap heads in clean room environment.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

DFL DDP data recovery software works with DFL-SRP, DFL-PCIe and DFL-URE data recovery hardware. DFL-DDP is mainly used to image patient hard drives, extract files directly or fix common hard drive firmware failures.

DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with many bad sectors;
DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with weak heads;
DFL-DDP helps to fix faulty hard drives’ common firmware failures;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from external hard drives directly by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from NVME SSDs by connecting one Dolphin SATA/NVME to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from USB flash drives by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter.

With DFL-DDP, Users can make best use of the disk image or file extraction settings:

Write blocking;
Set LBA range to image;
Forward read or backward read;
Set read block size;
high-speed/low speed/intelligent read;
Soft reset/hard reset/power reset;
Settings for sector read timeout values, sectors to skip, etc;
Set up head map for hard drives to image good heads and then image weak heads;

With DFL-DDP, users can fix the following common firmware failures:

Seagate common firmware failures fix-Busy, undetected/wrongly detected, capacity 0 fix; SIM error fix;
Western Digital hard drive common firmware failures fix-slow fix, edit head map in ram, smart reset, password removal, etc;
Samsung hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear alist, led fix, etc;
Hitachi hard drive common firmware failures fix-virtual translator;
Toshiba hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear g-list, virtual translator, etc.

Please note: if the faulty drives are not spinning, this can be head totally damaged, motor stuck, PCB burnt or rom damage, users need to fix the physical issue or rom corruption and then users can diagnose further on firmware area and then image the faulty drives or extract files.

If users want to repair complicated firmware failures or want to operate on firmware modules, users need the DFL firmware repair tools.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype

Dolphin team have released newer software for both DFL hdd firmware repair tools and data recovery tools.

DFL DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment: V2.31 11.11 2022
DFL Seagate hdd repair tool: V4.211, 11.21, 2022
DFL WD hdd repair tool: V2.991, 11.11, 2022
DFL Toshiba and Fujitsu hdd repair tool: V1.6 11.11 2022
DFL Hitachi and IBM hdd repair tool: V1.4 11.11 2022
DFL Samsung hdd repair tool: V2.0 11.11 2022

The new software works more excellently for repairing firmware corruption and recovering lost data from new Seagate and WD hard drives.

Users can download the latest software from the user-only forum:

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

To recover lost data from Western Digital hard drives is not one easy data recovery case, cause’ in many situations, both the ROM and firmware modules cannot be read at all.

The following is one remote support case study for one Dolphin user in Iran. Read more

Dolphin sales team have recently received many new enquiries asking the same question: ‘ When can I get my investment back after starting a data recovery business?’ Now this article will answer this question in great details.

Each user who wants to start a data recovery business has different knowledge and working experience, this is the first element which will affect how long to get investment back after starting a data recovery business. Read more

WD USB hard drive data recovery is very common case in the data recovery labs worldwide and recently Dolphin Data Lab has received many enquiries on recovering data from their WD my passport hard drives and some my Book drives too. Read more

Dolphin data recovery tools offers a series of firmware repair and data recovery solutions for logical, firmware to physical data recovery cases. Among all these solutions, one of the typical physical data recovery case is head read-only cases. Read more