
2015 will be one very important data recovery year for all Dolphin users, Dolphin team and all those who are interested in starting one data recovery sector or grow their data recovery capabilities. Dolphin Data Lab will release many helpful new data recovery tools and technologies within 2015 for your higher data recovery success rate. Read more

Recently many people are asking Dolphin engineers about the future of data recovery and therefore we are talking about this one today.

The future of data recovery is one very very important topic for those starting one data recovery sector or grow their data recovery capabilities.  To have one clear idea of the future of data recovery, it’s necessary to learn about the future of different storage medias, the future of different data recovery tools and the future of data recovery market/final users. Read more

On 10/15, 2014, Dolphin DataLab had another online data recovery training. The topic is How to Start your Data Recovery Business. This training was aiming at teaching people who have never been in DR some basics and theories to help them start their own data recovery business. Read more

After seven days’ National day holiday, Dolphin Data Lab has started working regularly since October 8th, 2014.

Dolphin Data Lab has shipped all the ordered data recovery tools to worldwide clients during the holiday on October 8th and 9th, 2o14, we have emailed the tracking numbers to the clients. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab is spending the Middle-Autumn festival holiday here and the holiday last three days including September 6, 7 and 8, 2014.

Chinese Moon Festival is traditionally celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunisolar month and the whole China is celebrating this festival including all including companies, etc. Dolphin Data Lab will come back to work on Next Tuesday (September 9). Read more

Dolphin team feel proud to say all our staffs are happily working hard for a higher success rate generated from our data recovery tools and a greater success from all our honored users.

We are happy Dolphins!

Most staffs in our company are engineers and our happy thing is each little progress within our research and development of new data recovery tools and solutions or even a fix to the bug reported from the user or even a simple new feature request met quickly to help with clients’ daily data recovery cases. Read more

This is one case study offered by one of Dolphin users in BANGLADESH-Mr. Shahi and great thanks to him who is using Dolphin data recovery tools with success and is willing to share his experience.

It was a case MICRON 128GB RealSSD C400.

When the ssd was Received, It was not detecting at all, the client tried in 3/4 shops earlier but none of them were able to do anything on it because it was not detecting at all. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab is going to release new version of DFL-DDP USB3.0 and DFL-DE USB2.0 data recovery tools.

The latest versions:

DFL-DDP USB3.0: V1.43
DFL-DE USB2.0:  V1.81

What are new changes to these data recovery tools? Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has recently got some feedback from our clients that it’s good to simplify the upgrade process of our tools especially our DFL-URE USB3.0 data recovery equipment.

Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools are mainly hardware based, except the head and platter swap tools, adapters, microscope, the DFL series tools are hardware and software combined and the DFL series tools require software upgrade. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has been selling all our data recovery tools with full-English version with full-English support and documents and here we must here declare non-English version of DFL tools and all our tools won’t be supported.

All Dolphin data recovery tools especially our DFL-DDP, DFL-URE, DFL-DE, DFL-FRP hardware and software integrated tools, all of them will be registered with users’ details including their country, user name, email and registry date. All these officially registered tools will get our full technique support and software upgrade. Read more