
I’m writing to acquire some data recovery tools and clear up some doubts, are there any other service channels that work during business hours in Brazil?

DFL All-in-one Data Recovery Adapter Plus

DFL SATA to SAS Plus adapter

DFL software upgrade to a hardware

I would like to know if these items mentioned above work and have full compatibilities of DFL-DE, which is the tool I have?

Hello Sir,

I am Luiz, based in Brazil, and we are a data recovery school. We offer tools from partner manufacturers and would like to invite you to a partnership, including your tools in our offerings catalog. This way, we can present your solutions for HDD and flash data repair and recovery.

We would like to request permission to translate some of your videos into Portuguese and Spanish. If you agree, we will download a few videos from your YouTube channel, where you showcase your tools, and present them to our clients. This will establish a reselling and independent teaching partnership.

Could you please provide information on your best Dolphin tools for HDD refurbishment (including bad block cleaning) and their respective prices? We would also appreciate receiving detailed information about your data recovery products and tools.

We eagerly await your response.

Best regards

To answer above email:

Dolphin team mainly offer data recovery hardware tools and hard drive firmware repair tools and some users use the firmware repair tools for HDD refurbishment.

Dolphin data recovery tools and firmware repair tools are very easy to use and very good for education purpose with many free data recovery training videos, case studies and user manuals.

Detailed datasheets and quote details have been emailed to the new client.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

DFL DDP data recovery software works with DFL-SRP, DFL-PCIe and DFL-URE data recovery hardware. DFL-DDP is mainly used to image patient hard drives, extract files directly or fix common hard drive firmware failures.

DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with many bad sectors;
DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with weak heads;
DFL-DDP helps to fix faulty hard drives’ common firmware failures;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from external hard drives directly by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from NVME SSDs by connecting one Dolphin SATA/NVME to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from USB flash drives by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter.

With DFL-DDP, Users can make best use of the disk image or file extraction settings:

Write blocking;
Set LBA range to image;
Forward read or backward read;
Set read block size;
high-speed/low speed/intelligent read;
Soft reset/hard reset/power reset;
Settings for sector read timeout values, sectors to skip, etc;
Set up head map for hard drives to image good heads and then image weak heads;

With DFL-DDP, users can fix the following common firmware failures:

Seagate common firmware failures fix-Busy, undetected/wrongly detected, capacity 0 fix; SIM error fix;
Western Digital hard drive common firmware failures fix-slow fix, edit head map in ram, smart reset, password removal, etc;
Samsung hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear alist, led fix, etc;
Hitachi hard drive common firmware failures fix-virtual translator;
Toshiba hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear g-list, virtual translator, etc.

Please note: if the faulty drives are not spinning, this can be head totally damaged, motor stuck, PCB burnt or rom damage, users need to fix the physical issue or rom corruption and then users can diagnose further on firmware area and then image the faulty drives or extract files.

If users want to repair complicated firmware failures or want to operate on firmware modules, users need the DFL firmware repair tools.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype

Dolphin Data Lab has both USB to SATA adapter and SATA to USB adapters and some users want to learn about the difference between these two adapters.

USB to SATA adapter

HDD USB-SATA Adapter Pro. is one very helpful adapter connecting both 2.5″ and 3.5″ SATA hard drives to your computer by one USB3.0 cable to an available USB 3.0 port on your desktop or laptop.

With this adapter, you can use the SATA drives as the portable drives, very convenient to use.

Users can connect SATA drives to DFL-URE or DFL-URE plus data recovery equipment and then users can image the sata drives or extract the lost data from SATA drives.

Universal SATA-USB Adapter Pro.

Universal SATA-USB Adapter Pro. is specially designed to work with DFL-SRP data recovery hardware or DFL-PCIe data recovery express or similar data recovery hardware tools to connect USB devices for disk imaging or file extraction. These data recovery hardware tools have SATA/IDE ports but don’t have USB ports.

With this adapter, users can easily connect external hard drives, USB flash drives, With Universal SATA-USB Adapter Pro. and NVME to USB adapter, DFL-SRP or DFL-PCIe or other similar data recovery hardware tools are able to image or extract lost data from NVME SSDs too.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

As for data recovery from USB flash drives, there’re usually several types of data recovery cases including accidental format, deletion, slow recovery, bad sector data recovery, controller corruption repair and recovery, firmware corruption repair and recovery, etc.

We can also devide above cases into two types: chip-on usb flash recovery and chip-off usb flash recovery.

In this article, unstable USB flash drive data recovery(chip-on data recovery) will be focused. This kind of case is easy for all users but users need some professional data recovery hardware tools and adapters.

For unstable USB flash drives, users don’t need to solder chips off, don’t need to read chip data, analyse chip hex, restructure hex data, etc. Chip-off recovery is very difficult for many engineers specially for those who are new to data recovery field.

The following are usually data recovery solutions for USB flash drives:

1, common data recovery software for recovering accidental format, deletion;
2, data recovery hardware tools with features of software reset, hard reset, power reset, ready timeout control, etc, users can consider DFL-URE USB3.0 data recovery hardware(two USB3.0 ports) or DFL-URE Plus data recovery hardware(One USB3.0 port and one NVME port), users can connect the unstable USB flash drives for direct disk imaging or file extraction; If users have other types of data recovery hardware with SATA/IDE ports, such as DFL-SRP or DFL PCIe data recovery hardware or other similar data recovery hardware, users just need to have one Universal SATA-USB Adapter Pro. so that users can connect unstable USB flash drives for disk imaging or file extraction. These tools can actually fix the chip-on recovery cases efficiently;
3, Special chip-off recovery tools are required when the usb flash drives are dead or suffering controller damage or firmware corruption.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin team have created the latest software version 2.3 to work with DFL-URE, DFL-SRP and DFL PCIe data recovery hardware tools. All Dolphin users can download this software from the user-only forum here.

What’s New in DFL-DDP data recovery tool
Latest version: V2.3

190 repair manager which helps users to fix many 190 corrupted cases;
>Import Module 190 and Manage
>Extract the T2 Data(190 core nodes)
>Original Nodes List
>Scanned Nodes List
>List Nodes by Original Order
>List Nodes by Node Tree
>List Nodes by Start LBA
>SIT Repair
>Search Correct Blocks Auto
>Search and Replace
>Search Error Nodes
>Search Overlap Nodes
>TIS Check
>Vacant Nodes Count
>Overlap Nodes Count
>Tree Root Node Number Check
>Test Current Nodes
>Test All Nodes
>Test Tree
>Test Nodes by SMRZONE
>Scan Lost Nodes
>Repair Selected Nodes
>Delete Selected Nodes
>Delete Error Nodes
>Delete Nodes with Same Start LBA
>Delete Nodes with Same END LBA
>Repair Vacant Nodes with Scanned Nodes
>Caculate Valid Data from Selected Nodes
>Zerofill Bad Sectors within The Module
>Load 190/T2 auto for data recovery
Module 190/T2data auto loading; Without auto loading, many cases will fail because 190 loading to RAM may fail after power reset;
WD SMR HDD selective head image is running more smoothly;
New ZFS, BTRFS file systems support are added;
Non-Standard sector-sized HDD read and write is supported, for example sector size of 520B, 524B;
Time extraction from video streams for HKFS DVR is supported;
The new NTFS 4.0 is added to support;
WD SMR HDD TLER activation is added;
WD SMR HDD: change HDD configuration/WD slow fix, delete non-important firmware modules
Linux LVM file system support is added;
Block checksum algorithm for MDF fragmented file recovery is added;
Support now GPT with LDM volume;

Software interface optimization;
Toshiba selective head image algorithm optimization;
HKFS, NTFS, VMFS, Exfat file extraction optimization;
Other optimization

What’s new in DFL WD hdd repair tool
Latest version: V2.990

Generate unlock rom with firmware unlock pcb, write unlock rom to original pcb to unlock fw;
Note: Unlock rom generation without firmware unlock pcb is available soon but 810035 unlock still requires special firmware unlock pcb, right now if users wish to unlock firmware without firmware unlock pcb, please email your rom to [email protected], we will generate unlock rom for users to write by HDD rom chip pin reader to unlock the firmware.
Read SMR Zone;
Read T2 Data;
Head map editing optimization: head number of 8 or above is supported.

What’s new in DFL Seagate HDD repair tool
Latest version: V4.210

More new Rosewood 8C models are supported;
ROM editing optimization;
B2 HDD Data Corruption Repair is added (ST4000VX005、ST4000VM004);
ROM read/write is further enhanced;
ID editing by COM is optimized;
SYS read by ABA is added;
A-list regeneration is added;
NGlist regeneration is added;
Seagate New ST8000NM000A 8TB B5 Cimarron family firmware unlock solution is completed but coming soon in newer software upgrade;

What’s new in DFL Samsung HDD Repair Tool
Latest version: V2.000

Head map editing is added;
ROM read and write for M024, M9T, m6s, m40s, t166 is added;
Samsung old hdd password removal has been added to support;

What’s new in DFL Toshiba/Fujitsu hdd repair tool
Latest version: V1.600

MQ03ABB fw read/write support;
Cut zone optimization;
Standard capacity selection is added when editing ID;
46GSX family support is added;
MQ01(4K) G to P is added to support.

What’s new in DFL Hitachi/IBM hdd repair tool
Latest version: V1.400

To save NVRAM and ROM by SN is added;
Boot remove password is added;
7210CLA3 support is added;

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one DFL user from Australia asking to get data recovery equipment from Dolphin Data Lab.

“Hi Sir,
I am just wondering with this devices to my workshop home base business running in Australia,
can you provide  following device price and supporting documents.

Read more

This is one returning client from Brazil who has used Dolphin DFL data recovery tools for almost 10 years and now this client wishes to buy DFL-SRP USB3.0 all-in-one data recovery equipment to set up one new data recovery lab in another city. Read more

DFL-URE data recovery equipment has now two versions: USB version and NVME version.

DFL-URE USB3.0 data recovery equipment has two USB3.0 ports connecting two USB devices for disk imaging or file extraction and DFL-URE NVME data recovery equipment has one USB3.0 port and one NVME port. Read more

Within 2021, Dolphin team keep adding new data recovery hardware tools and new data recovery solutions as always.

DFL-SRP USB3.0 Data Recovery Hardware has been upgraded to Version 2.11

01: Driverless hardware, no need to install drivers;
02: New special hdd firmware solutions, common hdd firmware repair solutions, new disk image settings and new file extraction settings.

DFL-PCIe Data Recovery Hardware Tools

01: Possible recharge version or unlimited version, users can get economic data recovery plan/installment data recovery plan or effective and convenient data recovery plan;
02: Recover 3 SATA hard drives and 1 IDE drive with higher success rate.

DFL-URE USB3.0 Data Recovery Hardware

01: Recover USB portable hard drives, external hard drives, USB flash drives with bad sectors;
02: Help to recover new Palmer, Charger, SpyG2 and even more newer familes with data encryption by USB interface;

New Unlock PCBs for 810035, 810011, 810003, 810012, 800077, 800069, 800068, 800067, 800065

Surface Pro Data Drive Recovery Adapter Smart
Surface Pro Data Drive Recovery Adapter Smart is world’s latest USB3.1 data recovery hardware tool to help data recovery engineers to recover lost data from dead or faulty Surface Pro6 and Surface Pro7 laptops.

MacBook Pro A1708 PCIe SSD Recovery Adapter Smart

MacBook Pro A1708 PCIe SSD Recovery Adapter Smart is the latest designed USB3.1 recovery adapter specially for Apple PCIe SSD, non-touchbar version manufactured in 2016 and 2017.

MacBook Pro A1708 PCIe SSD Recovery Adapter Smart converts the PCIe SSD interface to USB interface and users can simply connect the PCIe SSD to pc and view the data directly.

Help to image or extract lost data from faulty or unstable USB hard drives with data encryption;

Hard Drive ROM Chip Pin Reader

Users don’t need to solder hard drive ROM chip any more and users can easily use this rom chip pin reader to read and write ROM directly;

Head and Platter Swap and Clean Suite. Plus

With this physical hard drive data recovery suite, users get tools to open hard drives, to clean platters, get videos on how to clean platters and how to adjust the motor balance/platter alignment.

Scratched Hard Drive Head Comb Suite

This is one special head comb suite to handle data recovery cases with scratched surfaces. It contains three types of scratched hard drive head replacement head tool: S-1-DM003-010 Scratched HDD Head Comb Set, ST-1-11-12 Scratched HDD Head Comb Set, WD-1 Scratched HDD Head Comb Set

Level 2 Head Comb Suite.Advanced

Level 2 Head Comb Suite.Advanced has 36 pieces of different head combs, 2 pieces of each head comb, totally 72 head combs.

Level 2 Head Comb Suite is one universal and professional head comb suite supporting head replacement of Seagate, Western Digital, Hitachi, Samsung, Toshiba and Fujitsu hard drives. This head comb suite is specially for hdds whose heads park on a ramp.