This is one Western Digital SMR patient HDD-WD40EZAX with DWF error and this case study is to explain how to fix the DWF error and get the lost data back.
When this patient drive was received, it’s not possible to access the data area, whenever trying to access the data area, the user got the DWF error.
The following steps are very important and basic to do before firmware repair:
01: Backup rom with pin reader;
02: Generate unlock rom by DFL-WD firmware repair tool;
03: Write unlock rom by pin reader
Next by DFL-WD, users can:
04: Disable 411
05: Backup module 190 and 02 and other important firmware modules;
06: Test firmware modules and find out which modules are damaged
Next users can
07: Repair damaged 02 and 190;
08: Write new 02 and 190;
09: Enable 411 and restart firmware;
10: Open DFL-DDP data recovery tool and all lost partitions, folders and files are recovered.
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