Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

The patient HDD-Seagate Rosewood ST2000LM007 has suffered severe LED error in the COM terminal, users cannot enter F3 T> and cannot continue the hdd firmware repair and data recovery. To fix the LED error, there’s one very helpful rom function-‘Disable Subsystem’. Function path: DFL Seagate HDD repair tool>ROM Operations>ROM Edit>Disable Subsystem Before using the function, […]

This is one successful Western Digital hard drive data recovery case study from one DFL user in Peru. The patient HDD ID: Model number: WD10SPZX-22Z10T1 PCB number: 800066 Capacity: 1TB Failure Symptom: HDD got error state when read modules; Power Restart constantly Hdd repair tool and data recovery tools used in this case study: DFL-WD […]

The patient HDD-Seagate Rosewood ST2000LM007 has suffered severe LED error in the COM terminal, users cannot enter F3 T> and cannot continue the hdd firmware repair and data recovery. To fix the LED error, there’s one very helpful rom function-‘Disable Subsystem’. Function path: DFL Seagate HDD repair tool>ROM Operations>ROM Edit>Disable Subsystem Before using the function, […]

This is one successful Western Digital hard drive data recovery case study from one DFL user in Peru. The patient HDD ID: Model number: WD10SPZX-22Z10T1 PCB number: 800066 Capacity: 1TB Failure Symptom: HDD got error state when read modules; Power Restart constantly Hdd repair tool and data recovery tools used in this case study: DFL-WD […]