Seagate LM Partial Sector Access without Original FW Data Recovery

There are more and more Seagate LM partial sector access data recovery cases coming to Dolphin users’ data recovery labs.

These Seagate LM partial sector recovery cases can be divided into two groups:

LM 1TB, 2heads,  LM 2TB,   4 heads;
LM 1TB, 3 heads, LM 1.5TB, 4 heads.

These two groups are a little different in firmware structure and therefore solution to fix the partial sector access issue is different too.

Until now no firmware repair tools available in the market can fix the partial issue directly. However, Dolphin data recovery engineers can help Dolphin users by remote support to fix such kind of cases. These cases take a lot of time to calculate the bad points and NG list addresses and therefore, remote support for such cases are not free. Users need to pay for such cases at good prices.

When the patient LM drives have bad sectors, it’s even more time-consuming to fix these cases but the result is positive. To fix these cases, pls make sure the cases don’t have physical damage.

Dolphin engineers have already helped many users to fix above LM partial sector access cases and get data back.

If you are interested in the solutions, users can email to or add Dolphin Skype ID: