Note: Dolphin team has released the most complete head platter swap and clean tools: Dolphin Head and Platter Swap and Clean Suite.Pro.
HDD Head Combs Included: 16 families, 3 pieces each family, one for source drive, one for target drive, one for backup.
Locking Pins/Security Pins Included: 48 pieces
Totally 96 pieces are included in this package.
HDD Head Combs Pro. is one professional head replacement tool helping clean room data recovery engineers to swap the heads safely with a higher success rate.
Support List of HDD Head Combs Pro.
HDD Head Combs Pro. contains 16 families’ head combs and each family contains 3 same head combs to assist big data recovery companies to handle multiple clean room head and platter replacement cases or to fight against the accidental damage or loss of one or two head combs.
HDD Head Combs Pro supports almost all the kind of hard drive brands and you can compare and select the right family of head combs to be used by the number of platters and heads and thickness of the platters. These head combs are carefully and precisely manufactured and therefore, they can match well your physical data recovery needs.
Compared with standard hdd head combs, this head replacement tool supports more types of hard drives and you can use it with our Head and Platter Swap Pro. in clean room or at least in one clean bench. If you want to fix one physically damaged hard drives, you need not only the best head and platter replacement tools, you need also good practices and knowledge about the hard drive physical and firmware and logical structure, the more you learn about the HDD itself, the higher success rate you will have with the tools.