DFL-SRP USB3.0 WD Firmware Repair Tool has replaced the previous DFL-WDII and DFL-FRP for WD.
This is one top-class USB3.0 Western Digital hard drive firmware repair hardware tool fixing firmware failures of three WD hard drives at the same time, 2 SATA and 1 IDE hard drive! DFL-SRP USB3.0 WD Firmware Repair Tool supports Marvell L and ROYL series with latest drives supported. Users use this tool to repair WD hard drive firmware modules, reset smart, remove password, repair bad sectors, edit SN, models, capacities, etc. Users with this tool usually have a higher success rate and stay more competitive.
What Does DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Firmware Repair Tool Do?
Download DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Datasheet Here
Dolphin Data Lab ships this WD firmware repair tool worldwide by DHL express and it takes 3 or 4 working days to users worldwide!
Video Demo Of This USB3.0 WD Firmware Repair Tool:
Users will get our latest hardware (DFL-SRP USB3.0), software (DFL-WD Firmware Repair Software), adapters, cables, WD firmware resources and detailed user manuals and case studies after the purchase.
DFL-SRP USB3.0 for WD firmware repair software was created in English and all our manuals are in English too and please make sure you understand English well if you are going to purchase this tool.
How To Buy DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Firmware Repair Tool?
It’s very easy and safe to buy this tool from Dolphin Data Lab, users are required to email to [email protected] with the shipping details, contact details for getting proforma invoice with Dolphin’s company bank account or paypal account. For Indian clients, users need to give us exact PAN number and full name on the PAN card, for users from Brazil, users need to give us their CPF or CNPJ numbers and the exact names tied with the numbers. Users pay according to the invoice and after the payment is confirmed, Dolphin shipping dept. will arrange shipment immediately and email users the tracking number and at the same time, one forum account will be set up with permissions given based on the tools bought. Users can also add our official skype account: for more details.
DFL-SRP USB3.0 Packing List
SRP Device x 1,
HDD Power Cable x 3
SATA Cable x 2
COM Cable x 1
COM Connector x 1
USB Cable x 1
Power Adaptor x 1 ( without the plug )
***Watch The Demonstration Of Dolphin Data Recovery Tools On Dolphin Youtube Video Channel Here
***Read what Dolphin users say about Dolphin firmware repair and data recovery tools
Graham –
I am new to data recovery. I want to experiment with recovering some
WD My Passport drives
Emmanuel –
Hello, i am interested in one of your tools, specifically DLF-SRP for WD
HDD Firmware Repair Tool, i would like to know the cost, i am from mexico,
Thanks in advance.
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, the detailed quote has been emailed to you, thank you.
zoran matic –
Dear sir,
please send me price of DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Firmware Repair Tool.
also a list of supported disks.
Nicholas –
What is the cost for this system? It can reset SMART data on WD HDDs?
naser –
Hello, dear Mr. Morgan, I wanted to ask you how much this device supports the maximum capacity of the hard drive
Ishamel –
Hello guys
I have an external wd hdd, this solution works for that kind of disks?
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, please check your email for detailed reply, thank you.
Erico Martinez –
Hello! Is this compatible with WD External Hard Drives? If it is, can it remove or recover my password without deleting my files?
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Erico, thank you very much for your questions. For WD external hard drive, if it is locked by smartware, cannot unlock it right now.
microbenk –
Can u send price list
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Sir, Please check your email.
A.C.Kanade –
Hello sir,
I’ve 320gb laptop WD hdd. Due to firmware corrupt it is unaccessible. What should I do? Pls. guide
Best regards
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Sir, thank you very much for your comments and questions, to fix your WD hdd, you need to have at least one WD firmware repair tool. But for single case, we don’t recommend the tool, we can recommend one local service supplier to you, where are you from, pls?
Angel Javier Pauluk –
Buenas noches, de donde son y desde donde se hacen los envíos. Estoy interesado en el producto. que otras marcas de discos soporta? Soy de Argentina
Good night, I´m interested ir your product. I want to know wich other brands supports (Samsung, WD, Seagate, Maxtor), IDE/SATA. I have many HD with firmware trouble (I think…) I´m from Argentine
Henry Aikins –
Hello Sir,
I am Henry from Ghana and i want to know more about your recovery and much will it cost if i want to get such software for WD or any other drive. It seems i have a drive which gives a ”fatal hardware error”, i cant access it and does not display at my computer either. There are more stuffs which i need to recover. I am really interested in learn such of these and make ends meet for a leaving. I would be very glad if i will be given such request.
Thanks Boss.
rameez raja –
Dear Sir,
i Want to purchase can you please email me the price of this product
safran –
hello sir i impaired HDD bad .
I had some HDD that can not be installed but unreadable in external .
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, this can be caused by bad sectors or some firmware issue and it can be fixed by Dolphin firmware repair tool.
Masoud Salami –
I am looking for a utility that can unlock any HDD and BIOS. I need to remove password from BIOS and HDD regardless of any brand name HDD or BIOS. What do you have to offer me?
Thank you,
Stanley Morgan –
Dear Friend, to unlock password for all hdd brands, you can consider our DFL hard drive refurbishing suite, please check your email for detailed recommendations.
Mardam Hussien –
Buenas Tardes, estoy interesado en quitarle la contraseña en un disco WD de 1 tb 2.5 que estaba bloqueado con contraseña en una laptop ACER, pero esta se daño y quiero usar el disco en otra maquina pero no me permite. solo requiero un uso, tendrán asistencia en Venezuela?
Adicionalmente tengo un WD 3.5 que esta en formato Raw. necesito asistencia o lo que me puedan ayudar.
Saludos, muchas gracias de antemano!
Stanley Morgan –
Hola señor, se puede quitar fácilmente la contraseña si tiene alguna herramienta de reparación de firmware, que es mejor que puede aportar a un centro de recuperación de datos local porque nuestras herramientas no son rentables para usted por sólo dos casos.
somit singh –
this tool can improve the speed of my Hitachi 5400 rpms hard drive? and can’t install Window on hdd disk error 302 …also I/o error this tool capable for repairs the those problems?
Stanley Morgan –
Dear Mr. Singh,
Thank you for your questions. Your drive has mostly bad sector problem and you need to repair bad sectors and therefore, you may destroy the data. To refurbish hitachi drive is not as good as Seagate and WD hdds. Maybe later.
Tony –
Hola Stanley, yo adquiri un dfl-srp para Seagate, ahora quisiera saber el precio de USB3.0 DFL-SRP Para WD Firmware Repair y cuanto cuesta enviarlo a Cuba, y cómo sería el pago.
Stanley Morgan –
Hola amigo, es muy fácil de comprar DFL-SRP para WD o usted puede comprar el addon WD que se añade a su hardware SRP existente sin el envío de nuevo.
Michaux stephane –
Bonjour je souhaiterais acheter DFL-SRP Pour WD pouvez vous me donner les marches a suivre ainsi que sont p^rix et ces mode d’envoi merci par avance.
Hamid Sadiq –
Hello Again,
Thank you for your advice and this is regarding WD I/O Error.. Can you please suggest any special professional hardware imager that will help in data recovery or do you have any that I can buy..
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, our SRP for Data Extraction or DFL-URE can help on it, but for single case, you can try some data recovery software and see if you can recover it by yourself, such as easy recovery, etc.
Hamid Sadiq –
Hello, I would like to get the price of DFL-SRP USB3.0 WD Firmware Repair Tool including the shipping cost to QATAR..
I hope this tool can help in recovering data from external WD My Passport (1.0TB) hard disk (USB3.0) which currently showing I/O error and unable to detected over Windows or Mac Machine.. Regards,
Stanley Morgan –
I/O error is usually caused by bad sector issue. You need one special professional hardware imager to get the data back.
Balvinder Singh –
My Mob:-09772197557
Balvinder Singh –
Hello Sir,
I’m interested in this device, i would like to ask for the price list. please..
Javier Villalba –
Buenas Tardes!! me gustaria saber el precio de esta herramienta y el costo total para enviarla a venezuela, gran caracas y si funciona para unidades de 2 tb USB WD my_passport 0748
Muy Agradecido…
Stanley Morgan –
Hola señor, ¿cuál es el problema de la unidad WD? ¿Compra DFL herramientas de recuperación de datos para un solo caso? Si eso, no lo recomendamos.
Krisztian Volcsey –
Hello Sirs,
could you please send us a price list with your equipments?
Kind regards
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Krisztian, have you received our detailed reply on the latest DFL data recovery tools? Please check your email, thank you.
oresanya obanijesu –
i have a wd 1 terabyte drive that has bad sectors and slow reads, i live in Nigeria, how can your product be of help to me. +2348138986761
Stanley Morgan –
Hello oresanya obanijesu, bad sectors and reading slowly is one common issue in WD drives and this one can be easily fixed by DFL SRP USB3.0 for WD but for one single drive, you’d better send to our local users in Nigeria.
Luay Abu-Odeh –
Dear Sir,
I have WD my passport 2 terabytes locked with lost password, knwing that i tried all passwords i wrote in my life, can this password be bypassed with your solution, and how much it cost ?
please let me know ASAP.
Luay Abu-Odeh
Stanley Morgan –
Dear Luay, if the password is lost for your WD passport drive, this one cannot be unlocked by any tool in the market at this stage.I am sorry to say this one.
keita –
Nous sommes à la recherche de 2 DFL-SRP pour reparation WD Firmware pour expédition en France ou au Mali, est-il possible d’avoir les tarifs?
merci d’avance de votre réponse
Stanley Morgan –
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre commentaire, Keita et nous avons répondu à vous par email avec 2016 jours offre spéciale Nouvel An.
mr vinh nguyen –
hello sir,
please provide me with price of DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Firmware Repair Tool
including shipping to VIETNAM, and method of payment .
best regards
Contact: 0935.575.335
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Mr. Vinh, the email has been emailed to you with details including payment and method of shipping.
mr vinh nguyen –
xin cho tôi với giá DFL-SRP USB3.0 Đối với WD Firmware cụ sửa chữa
bao gồm vận chuyển đến vietnam và phương thức thanh toán.
trân trọng
Stanley Morgan –
Thưa ông vinh nguyễn
Ngày của năm mới cho DFL-SRP cho WD và người sử dụng có được chi phí vận chuyển miễn phí trên toàn thế giới bởi DHL Express.
Isidoro –
Hi, Could you send to us the price of the product. We have an WD My Book 3TB HD locked and only appears when I switch to the computer the WDUnlocked icon, I execute the tool that the icon have and the tool say to me that the drive is not locked but it’s not true. Your system unlock the drive in the state?.
Stanley Morgan –
I guess your drive has the bad sectors at the positions of encryption sectors and your pc didn’t recognize the encryption sectors and then told you it’s not locked. You may need to image the drive to one donor USB drive and then try to unlock it.
Maria –
Hellooo sir,
I would be glad if you can send me the price of this device.Thanks in advance.
Rick –
Hello Sir,
Good day
I’m interested in this device, i would like to ask for the price list. please..
parkash –
send me price list
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend,
we tried to reply you with details by email but our reply returned which means your email may be not correct. Please check.
Manuel Gallegos –
Hello Sir.
I have an WD, from an old Mac that I use for Back up my work, I don’t have a back up from this Disk, I start to believe that I have bad sectors in my Disk. Do you have a solution for it? and if is so. Could you tell me please how much it cost?
Kind regards
Manuel Gallegos
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Manuel, I have asked our local service center in Greece to contact you.
Easy Computers –
Please send products & Price list. I am interested to start Data Recovery Service in my city.
Easy Computers
Indore, M.P. India
Contact: 09300013737
Dre landers –
i need the complete prize list of all your product asap.
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, Please check your email and you get price details of all our tools.
Jesus Diaz –
buenos dias
me interesa esta herramienta me gustaria saber que precio tiene y realiza envios a venezuela?
Stanley Morgan –
Hola Señor,
DFL-SRP para WD es capaz de reparar tres unidades de disco duro WD al mismo tiempo y que puede enviar a Venezuela de DHL expresa y tarda 4 días de trabajo en torno a su lugar.
Por favor, consultar su correo electrónico y le hemos enviado los detalles de precios.
Aparecerá el siguiente oferta especial:
Actualización de software gratuita para los tres primeros años
Gratis de asistencia técnica
Libre tarjeta PCIe-USB3.0
Garantía de calidad Una de año
Cualquier pregunta más es bienvenido.
Stanley Morgan –
Sí amigo, usted puede utilizar nuestro DFL-SRP para WD para desbloquear las unidades de disco duro WD. Funciona en tres unidades de disco duro WD a la vez.
abdulhalim ramzi –
hello sir,
please provide me with price of DFL-SRP USB3.0 For WD Firmware Repair Tool
including shipping to Israel, and method of payment .
best regards
Stanley Morgan –
Hello Friend, we have replied to you by email, please check your email.