Please Upgrade your DFL Data Recovery Tools to Latest

Recently Dolphin team have found there’re still some DFL users who are using the old DFL data recovery hardware or old hdd repair or data recovery software and this will definitely affect users’ success rate in many new hard drive data recovery cases.

The latest data recovery hardware: DFL-SRP USB3.0 Driverless Data Recovery Hardware and DFL PCIe-4x Data Recovery Express;
The latest data recovery software: DFL All-in-one V2.11-0318 version;

Data Recovery Hardware Differences between the Old and the New

1, The old hardware has less hardware ports, the new hardware has 2 SATA and 1 IDE port or 3 SATA ports and 1 IDE port;
2, The old hardware can be USB2 design and slow but the new one is USB3 design and fast;
3, The old hardware requires to install device drivers but the new hardware adopts driverless design, users just simply put the activation file to the installation folder and the tools start to work immediately;
4, The new hardware is all-in-one design, users just need to select the software modules needed to activate;

Data Recovery Software Differences between the Old and the New

1, The new data recovery software supports more new hard drive models;
2, The new data recovery software has many more hdd repair and data recovery functions;
3, The new data recovery software is working more smoothly and stably;

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