Company Blog

Dear Clients of Dolphin Data Lab, we are proud to announce the new version of DFL-WDII HDD firmware repair tool. Version No.: 2.3.5 Release Date: July 4, 2012

What is ARCO? [protect password=”greendolphin”] ARCO-Advanced Read Communication Optimization. ARCO is usually used when the FW modules have a total replacement, otherwise, you don’t need to run ARCO at all or you may run the ’46 Optimize’only. Steps to Run ARCO Run ‘Initialization’ under ‘Online ARCO’ so that all the adaptive parameters, zone parameters, etc […]

ROM regeneration is one very important and powerful WD hdd repair feature of DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool. The following hdd repair tips are especially for WD ROYL HDD. When do we use ROM Regeneration? When we are going to use ROM regeneration, you may find the following WD HDD damage symptoms.

P-list regeneration is one very important and useful hdd repair features of DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool. P-list regeneration is used when the translator or original P-list is damaged and the sectors cannot be read at all. Translator and P-list are closely connected. To regenerate translator requires original P-list. If the P-list is damaged, the […]

The following hdd repair tips and steps are created for WD ROYL HDDs and based on the latest WD HDD firmware repair tool-DFL-WDII. ATA regeneration is one hdd repair feature of DFL-WDII.