Company Blog

Dolphin Data Lab is one of the most professional manufacturers and suppliers of data recovery tools and hdd repair tools and we began data recovery business from data recovery services by using different data recovery tools and our own DIY data recovery solutions and until recent two years, we planned to develop our own commercial […]

With DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool, you are able to perform a high-success-rate of selftest and hdd repair.

With DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool, users are able to kill zones with bad sectors or zones with bad heads. You need firstly locate the bad sectors or bad heads by scanning the hdd and then use CHS<>LBA for conversion. After that, you can record the zone information of bad sectors so that you can […]

DFL-WDII ‘Common FW and ROM Repair’ is one advanced hdd repair function for advanced users and we are here offering some general steps or ideas to run it. When you are facing detailed hdd repair cases, you need to consider more and make best use of the common FW and ROM repair resources we offer […]

Within the new version of DFL-WDII HDD firmware repair tool, we added Common FW and ROM Repair function. This function is used to write the common firmware resources offered by DFL. Please do note that if you write other firmware resources with this function, you may cause severe damage to the HDD.