Company Blog
Section 1: Work Modes Toshiba drives work in both ATA and COM modes, Fujitsu drives work mainly on ATA mode, for password removal, need to work in COM mode. Section 2: Repair Modes DFL Toshiba/Fujitsu firmware repair tool can do both hdd repair and hdd refurbishing, hdd repair is to fix firmware failures without affecting […]
Section 1: Repair Modes DFL Hitachi/IBM firmware repair tool can do both hdd repair and hdd refurbishing, hdd repair is to fix firmware failures without affecting data but hdd refurbishing will remove bad sectors and destroy data. Section 2: Number of HDD Supported by the DFL Hitachi/IBM Hardware Users can connect 3 drives to DFL-SRP Portable Hitachi/IBM firmware […]
Portable Data Recovery Equipment-DFL-DDP USB3.0 Section 1: Number of HDD Supported by the DFL DDP Hardware Users can connect 3 drives to SRP DDP Portable Data Recovery Equipment and 4 drives to PCIe DDP Data Recovery Equipment. Section 2: Operating System to Install the software Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, any of them is ok. DFL tools […]
Western Digital hard drive firmware repair tool-DFL-WD Section 1: DFL WD Versions DFL-WD has two versions: Standard manual version and Auto Repair version. For Standard version, users get all repair and refurbishing functions in separate menus and users can fix the firmware failures for either refurbishing or recovery purpose. For Auto Repair version, the program […]
Seagate hard drive firmware repair tool-DFL-Seagate Section 1: HDD Working Modes Engineer can work in both ATA and COM terminal mode to diagnose and repair the HDD. Section 2: Repair Modes DFL Seagate firmware repair tool can do both hdd repair and hdd refurbishing, hdd repair is to fix firmware failures without affecting data but […]