DFL DDP data recovery software works with DFL-SRP, DFL-PCIe and DFL-URE data recovery hardware. DFL-DDP is mainly used to image patient hard drives, extract files directly or fix common hard drive firmware failures.

DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with many bad sectors;
DFL-DDP helps to image faulty hard drives with weak heads;
DFL-DDP helps to fix faulty hard drives’ common firmware failures;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from external hard drives directly by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from NVME SSDs by connecting one Dolphin SATA/NVME to USB adapter;
DFL-DDP helps to image or extract lost data from USB flash drives by connecting one Dolphin SATA to USB adapter.

With DFL-DDP, Users can make best use of the disk image or file extraction settings:

Write blocking;
Set LBA range to image;
Forward read or backward read;
Set read block size;
high-speed/low speed/intelligent read;
Soft reset/hard reset/power reset;
Settings for sector read timeout values, sectors to skip, etc;
Set up head map for hard drives to image good heads and then image weak heads;

With DFL-DDP, users can fix the following common firmware failures:

Seagate common firmware failures fix-Busy, undetected/wrongly detected, capacity 0 fix; SIM error fix;
Western Digital hard drive common firmware failures fix-slow fix, edit head map in ram, smart reset, password removal, etc;
Samsung hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear alist, led fix, etc;
Hitachi hard drive common firmware failures fix-virtual translator;
Toshiba hard drive common firmware failures fix-clear g-list, virtual translator, etc.

Please note: if the faulty drives are not spinning, this can be head totally damaged, motor stuck, PCB burnt or rom damage, users need to fix the physical issue or rom corruption and then users can diagnose further on firmware area and then image the faulty drives or extract files.

If users want to repair complicated firmware failures or want to operate on firmware modules, users need the DFL firmware repair tools.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:dolphin.data.lab

As for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drive data recovery cases, bad sectors, weak heads, damaged heads, scratched surfaces and translator failures are very common.

As for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drive bad sectors and weak heads, users can use DFL-DDP data recovery equipment to test heads, set up head map and image the patient HDD by selective heads, image good heads first and then faulty heads.

If the Hitachi and Toshiba patient hard drives require head swap, users need to use the level 2 head replacement tool to swap the heads within clean room environment.

The most common firmware failures for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drives are translator failure. As for Hitachi drives, users need to backup P-list and then load P-list to RAM; As for Toshiba, users can clear g-list or run virtual translator.

Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: dolphin.data.lab

The following are all the Samsung common firmware repair solutions within DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

01: LED 1AXX Fix;
02: Clear A-list;
03: Reset Smart;
04: Remove Password;
05: Soft Reset (COM);
06: Hard Reset (COM);

As for Samsung hard drives, the firmware is not easy to get damaged, the most common Samsung failures are PCB damage, rom damage and head damage.

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: dolphin.data.lab

There’re many new Seagate common firmware repair solutions added to DFL-DDP data recovery equipment and the following are the latest ones:

01: Send unlock key;
02: CC31/CC32 busy;
03: 7200.11/.12 Busy fix or capacity 0 fix;
04: 7200.11/.12 LED fix;
05: F3 Dos Fix;
06: F3 ready then busy Fix;
07: 7200.12 LBA0 Fix;
08: ATA Translator Regeneration;
09: F3 Password Removal;
10: F3 Reset Smart;
11: F3 Clear NG-list;
12: F3 Partial Sector Access Fix;
13: F3 single LBA Adjustment;
14: F3 SIM1009 Fix;
15: F3 MCMT Fix;
16: F3 SMART Fix;
17: F3 SYS Reset;
18: F3 Advanced Settings;
19: .7-.10 Read Modules;
20: .7-.10 Load ATA/APP;
21: .7-.10 Remove Password;
22: .7-.10 Read ROM;
23: .7-.10 Load Modules;
24: .7-.10 CELOG fix;
25: ATA/COM Switch.

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: dolphin.data.lab

Dolphin Data Lab has upgraded both data recovery hardware and software a lot and the latest all-in-one software version is V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

The following is the latest Western Digital hard drive common firmware repair solutions within the DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

01: NHPA;
02: Remove Password, used when users forget ATA password;
03: Slow Fix, fix Western Digital hard drive slow responding issue caused by firmware corruption;
04: LOAD LDR, this solution is used to load firmware loaders such as module 11 to RAM to get the hdd read/write properly, the loaders need to be the same microcode as the patient HDD;
05: Reset Smart;
06: Show microcode, this function helps to find donor firmware;
07: Edit head map in RAM, used for physically damaged data recovery cases;
08: Load T2 data, mainly used for WD SMR drives with all sectors 0000;
09: Module 190 repair manager, in many WD SMR hard drive recovery cases, the module 190 is corrupted and not original, need to repair, for example, the WD smr hdd is formatted;
10: Change disk configuration/WD SMR HDD slow responding fix;

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: dolphin.data.lab

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