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Dolphin team have recently received many requests from existing Dolphin DFL users to expand their data recovery business to offer physical hard drive data recovery services.

When the hard drives are physically damaged, such as stuck motor, head stiction, heads’ physical damage, platter scratches, weak heads or downgraded platter surfaces(many physical bad sectors), contaminated heads or surfaces, etc, when the patient drives have any failures above, the cases cannot be fixed online by remote support and users must have hands-on experience to open the patient drives in clean room environment to swap heads, swap platters, clean surfaces, clean hdd inner areas, adjust platter alignment, etc.

The following are the best physical hard drive head replacement tools for your clean room data recovery success:

01: Dolphin Head and Platter Swap and Clean Suite.Pro;
02: Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro.;
03: Dolphin Scratched Head Comb Suite 001;
04: HDD Platter Swap and Clean Workstation Smart;
05: Seagate LM Slim HDD Head Comb Suite.Advanced;
06: WD Slim HDD Head Comb Suite.Advanced;
07: WD Slim HDD Motor Release Smart;
08: Seagate Head Comb For 7200.11 and 7200.12;
09: Donor Hard Drive Sourcing Book For Head Swap

Many Dolphin users have some of above head replacement tools, users can check to have one complete set and for new users, please email to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: to get the best quote.

Dolphin team are able to help all Dolphin users on their SQL Server database recovery and repair cases. When users get cases they cannot handle, users can use Dolphin team as your last chance of data recovery success of all SQL server recovery and repair cases.

How to recover lost MDF/NDF databases?

Users can use database fragmented file reorganizing and rebuilding software to scan the partitions to get all possible fragmented database files and then reorganize and rebuild all the fragmented files into completed good files.

How to repair SQL Server Databases?

SQL Server Failure types:
SQL Server database suspect, virus attack, failed to attach the database, log file lost/corrupted, table data loss of DROP, DELETE, TRUNCATE, UPDATA, etc, recovered databases cannot be attached due to hdd bad sectors or other hdd failures, latch page read failure, redundancy error during database copy, system table corruption, index/page broken, etc.

For SQL Server database repair, users can try Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. to repair but please note: Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. is mainly for repairing corrupted databases caused by bad sectors or scratched surfaces.

To repair above failures, users need to use some sql server repair tool and need to have some good experience too. Some cases require manual analysis and whenever users cannot fix the cases by the database repair tools, users can email to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: for free quote.

With DFL New Seagate HDD firmware repair tool, users can easily unlock the Seagate B2 HDD firmware area, fix the LED 0X000000BD spin up and down and other firmware corruption issue, fix the B2 undetected/wrongly detected issue, fix the inaccessible data area issue, etc.

The common Seagate B2 HDD models are as below:


After connecting the patient B2 HDD to the firmware repair hardware, power on the hdd, users get the repeating LED 0X000000BD COM terminal messages and the patient hdd spin up and down and up and down…

Whenever users get the Seagate B2 patient HDDs, please backup the original ROM, generate unlock rom, write unlock rom, backup important sys files. But if LED has appeared in the COM terminal, users need to backup the original ROM and then generate new ROM for LED repair within the new DFL Seagate hdd repair and then write the new LED repair ROM, next power off and on, the LED issue will be fixed and users can go to DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost data can be listed for recovery.

If the patient B2 drives have suffered data corruption, users can see hex data but the data is not normally accessed. At this time, users need to use the new B2 Data Repair function and then the data corruption will be automatically repaired and DFL-DDP will list all the partitions and folders properly.

Video case study below:

SEAGATE ST4000VM004 ST4000VX005 B2 HDD LED 0X0BD SPIN UP AND DOWN HDD Repair and Data Recovery Steps

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

WD SMR 2060-810035 Spyglass II HDDs have both MCU lock and SED lock. To repair firmware corruption and recover lost data, users need to fix the MCU lock first: swap with special 2060-810035 firmware unlock PCB or writing unlock rom to bypass the MCU lock by DFL-WD hdd repair tool.

Please note: not all 810035 PCBs support MCU lock bypass by unlock ROM.

Most common HDD failures for WD SMR 2060-810035 Spyglass II HDDs:

The data area is not accessed;
The data area is full of 0000;
The drive is undetected due to 190 corruption;
Physical head damage.

Most common functions and solutions used in repairing and recovering WD SMR hard drives:

Read/write ROM by HDD ROM Chip Pin Reader;
Generate unlock ROM by DFL WD hdd repair tool;
Sort nodes within module 190 by LBA/tree;
Scan missing nodes;
Delete overlapped nodes/wrong nodes;
Repair wrong nodes, etc.

Users can save all the modification to one new module 190 and then users can write the new module 190 or load the module 190 or T2data to RAM by DFL-DDP data recovery equipment for immediate data recovery.

WD SMR 2060-810035 Spyglass II HDD Common PCB number and Models:

PCB number: 2060-810035-000 REV P0


Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin team has released new DFL-WD hdd repair software and new DFL-ST HDD repair software and users can download these new software from Dolphin user-only forum. With the new DFL-WD hdd repair software, users can further enhance the WD SMR HDD data recovery success rate.

With the new software, users can unlock more WD SMR HDDs by the original PCB without using special firmware unlock PCB, 800041, 800066, 800077, 800069, 810011, 810035, etc.

With the new software, users can fix more WD SMR hdd format cases, more all-sector-0000 cases, inaccessible data area cases, etc.

Users can download the latest WD hdd repair software from the forum.

More WD SMR HDD repair and recovery cases and tips below:


Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

With Dolphin DR Assistant Pro., it’s easy to repair corrupted SQL server databases at high success rate if the database corruption is caused by bad sectors or incomplete disk image from faulty drives with damaged heads or surfaces.

SQL Server Database Repair and Test Tips:

01: Users need to install the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio;
02: Users cannot edit the database name, otherwise cannot repair the database;
03: Users need to have the database log file to attach and test the database;
04: Users need to learn about the database check command ‘DBCC CHECKDB(‘database name’)’.

SQL Server Database Repair Steps:

01: Open Dolphin DR Assistant Pro software;
02: Click ‘Repair DB’ module;
03: Select corrupted database path;
04: Select repaired database path, please note: the repaired database name need to be the same with the original database name, users can save the repaired database to a different path;
05: Add old database backup file;
06: Click ‘Ok’ and the software will repair the database automatically.

How to Repair and Test SQL Server Corrupted Databases

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

With DFL Seagate HDD firmware repair tool, users can easily fix the Seagate firmware corruption and get lost data from Seagate undetected or wrongly detected hard drives. The following is one successful data recovery case study from one DFL user in Indonesia.

The patient HDD was detected with capacity 0 and it’s not possible to access the data area.

Model : ST4000DM004-2CV104
Serial : ZFN1DWGH
Firmware : 0001
Capacity : 7814037168 (3726.02GB)
Sector size : 4096
Heads number : 4

FW info : Obtained
FW version : V0A84C279.DPC7.AF0055.0001
FW package P/N :
FW ID : 00352241
FW creation date : 2017/09/20
FW creation time : 02:50:11
CFW version : V0A84C279.DPC7.AF0055.01326721.0
SFW1 version : 0352241.0001

Modules list : Obtained
Modules number : 57

F3 T>^l
V11 CheopsLiteA SATA 2.0 RAP30.6.2 SMR 2MB Flash 250 zn zonedse
Product FamilyId: 9B, MemberId: 01
HDA SN: ZFN1DWGH, RPM: 5426, Wedges: 240, Heads: 4, OrigHeads: 4, ActiveHdMap: 000F, Lbas: 00003ADABD42, PreampType: 82 10
Bits/Symbol: C, Symbols/UserSector: CB6, Symbols/SystemSector: CB5
PCBA SN: 0000M8367P7K, Controller: CHEOPSLITE_1_0_SATA(1410), Channel: Unknown, PowerAsic: Unknown Rev 00, BufferBytes: 10000000
SF ID: EF 60, SF Part Size: 800, Flash Used: 800
Package Version: V0A84C279.DPC7.AF0055.0001 , Package P/N: ———, Package Global ID: 00352241,
Package Build Date: 09/20/2017, Package Build Time: 02:50:11, Package CFW Version: V0A84C279.DPC7.AF0055.01326721.00352241.0001 ,
Package SFW1 Version: 7924, Package SFW2 Version: —-, Package SFW3 Version: —-, Package SFW4 Version: —-
Controller FW Rev: 09200250, CustomerRel: 0001, Changelist: 01326721, ProdType: V0A84C2.DPC7QC, Date: 09/20/2017, Time: 025011, UserId: 00352241
Servo FW Rev: 7924
TCG IV Version: 30.05
Package BPN: 6300
RAP FW Implementation Key: 1E, Format Rev: 0206, Contents Rev: 1F 80 02 00
Active BFW Container: 0
4K Sys Area: 1
– IOEDC enabled
– IOECC enabled
– DERP enabled v.
– LTTC-UDR2 disabled
– SuperParity 4.1 enabled
– Humidity Sensor disabled
– Media Cache Partition enabled
– Media Cache enabled
– Low Current Spin Up Normal
– Ready Sequence Optimization enabled
– Torn Write Protection enabled
– SubRelease:0
– Critical Event Log v. 1
– FAFH 40.11 disabled
– EWP:0
– DRAM Mirror:0

The Dolphin engineer helped to access the F3 T> and then backup the important SYS files/firmware modules.

Next the engineer cleared g-list, smart and regenerated translator. The engineer has checked the NGlist entries before and after the translator regeneration to make sure the translator regeneration generates positive result.

Next the engineer fixed the media cache issue.

Next the engineer opened the DFL-DDP data recovery equipment and set up one file extraction project, all lost data was perfectly recovered.


Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one very interesting CCTV DVR format video data recovery case study for one DFL user from India. This case was given to other data recovery companies with other CCTV DVR data recovery software but failed.

With any other CCTV DVR data recovery software tools, the users can only get videos of only 2MB or the videos are in a mess with different cameras in one video, so no effective videos at all.

This kind of failure is usually caused by the original dvr device format and about 500mb data in the beginning of the dvr drive is lost and therefore, users cannot find any effective/valid videos.

When this case was given to Dolphin user with Dolphin DVR Pro, the user applied for one remote support by Dolphin remote data recovery system. Dolphin engineer helped the user to find the starting address of the data area by Dolphin DVR Pro. and then started the video analysis in fast analysis mode and finally all cameras and videos were found and listed properly.

Users can select the cameras and videos to save. and in the coming new Dolphin CCTV DVR data recovery software, Dolphin DVR Pro. can search the data address automatically when it is lost and then it is more convenient.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

HDD Platter Cleaning Workstation Pro. is one hardware-only equipment for data recovery purpose, it is specially designed to clean both 2.5 and 3.5-inch hard drive platters.

About the Torque Used by HDD Platter Cleaning Workstation Pro.

Compared with the HDD motor torque, HDD platter cleaning workstation Pro. Uses lower torque for platter cleaning purpose.

HDD motor can use higher torque because there’s flying height between heads and platters and it’s safe to spin the motor and get the heads to read and write properly. But for platter cleaning, it is totally different story:

When the platter surfaces are contaminated with dust, finger prints or other contamination, users must use lower torque cleaning toolkit and users cannot push hard to clean or never give too much pressure to the platter surface, any exceeded pressure on the surface contamination(dust or other particles) may cause scratches or permanent data loss. Dolphin engineers have tested a lot of motor torque options and then fixed one best working torque to spin the platter for platter cleaning purpose.

During the video instructions, users can see how our engineers are cleaning the platters properly with smart slight pressure by the cotton swab with or without absolute alcohol for the two types of cleaning cases.

HDD Platter Cleaning Workstation Pro. contains the following components:

1, Cleaning hardware workstation;
2, Platter fix nut for 2.5″ platter;
3, Platter fix nut for 3.5″ platter;
4, Power Supply AC Adapter.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or Add dolphin official skype ID:

This data recovery case study is shared by one of our experienced, smart, friendly and kind users from Sri Lanka, his name is Dananjaya who offers very professional data recovery services in Sri Lanka.

HDD ID Information:
Patient drive: WD20EZAZ
PCB: 2060-810011

Reported symptoms
According to the drive owner, when he was copying wedding pictures to HDD, windows OS popup error massage called “not enough space”

HDD Repair and Recovery steps:

1.Once our user received the HDD, he checked. He found that when power on HDD, it spin up, but then two times’ clicking and power down. Like platter damage;
2.He tried to unlock, but same scenario. No modules showed, only power up, two clicks, power down;
3.So he guess it can be module damaged. But couldn’t power up. He used only pcb and disable module 02, module 411 and kernel mode. But same clicking;
4.He found a donor PCB with same microcode HDD. Then used patient PCB to donor for test, donor drive can be detected as normal;
5.He put donor to PAITENT HDD. Luckily the patient drive can be detected. But after 10 seconds, gave one click and went to busy status. Not responding;
6.He managed to power on and off till enter the inside of FW program;
7.He disabled module 02. After doing that HDD shows module and no clicking. But once enabling module 02, start clicking again. He had to disable again to get all modules;
8.He edited module 02 manually and write it SA. Fortunately no clicking, smoothly worked with HEX 00;
9.DFL repaired the corrupted module 190, he then wrote it to SA and load to RAM. “missing node function ” and “repair nodes function” which built in version 2.31 were used for this case;
10. Two partitions are displayed properly, the image speed is quite good, up to 150M per second.

HDD Repair and Data Recovery Equipment used in this data recovery case study:

DFL WD HDD Repair Equipment
DFL-DDP Data Recovery Equipment

Welcome to send your questions or enquiry to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: for any consultation.