latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

Dolphin Data Lab has released the new hardware design for DFL-WDII but we have given this new hardware new design a new name-DFL-FRP (DFL-Firmware repair plus).

DFL-FRP will be used as the name of all our USB firmware repair tools including our current DFL-WDII standard, DFL-WDII advanced, DFL-STII and our coming DFL-Samsung, DFL-Hitachi, DFL-Toshiba, DFL-Fujitsu, etc. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab keeps upgrading its level of services and now Dolphin Data Lab has a higher level of security for users’ registration and shopping on Dolphin online data recovery product center.

When users are trying to register, login and checkout on Dolphin Data Lab, they will receive links as ‘https’ which means secured shopping is enabled.


Secure Site by Read more

USB hard drive data recovery cases are often taking more time to complete, especially USB3.0 hard drives which have their data encrypted by its interface(SATA-USB) firmware chip.

So far in the data recovery market, not one professional data recovery equipment is able to connect the damaged USB hard drives directly except using some kind of adapters. However, these adapters are usually simply designed and cannot at all properly control the operations and issue commands to repair and recover data from the USB hard drives. Read more

DFL-DDP usb3.0 data recovery equipment has become the most popular data recovery equipment for more and more serious data recovery companies. Recently many big data recovery companies have purchased this equipment for all their data recovery labs, they are purchasing 4 DDPs, 7DDPs and even 10 DDPs to use with their competitive data recovery services, they are taking advantages of the unique powers DDP brings to them-the highest speed and the innovative data recovery solutions. Read more

COM cable plus is so far the only professional and creative COM cable connector for all size of SATA and IDE hard drives. Com Cable plus contains 6 COM connectors including Seagate IDE HDD COM Connector, Western Digital 3.5″ IDE COM connector, Quantum IDE HDD COM connector, Samsung SATA HDD COM connector, Seagate SATA HDD COM connector and Toshiba SATA HDD COM connector. COM Command Cable Plus is one universal powerful COM connector suite. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has officially released the new version of DFL-DE Version 1.71 and all DFL-DE users can download the upgrade program from our user-only forums here: DFL-DE user-only forum.

Dolphin Data Lab is upgrading all our data recovery tools so that users can always get new solutions and features and fix cases other competitors cannot fix and survive the competition. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab helps our users from all possible elements: offer better and better data recovery tools, offer better and better support and services and offer more competitive prices.

In order to thank data recovery engineers worldwide who are using Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools, the Dolphin headquarter has decided to offer free USB drive data recovery services to maximize their data recovery efficiency and success rate.

Besides USB drives data recovery cases, users can send us physical data recovery cases and firmware damaged cases they cannot handle too. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab keeps upgrading all its data recovery tools and now the new version of Version 1.31 of DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment is available in the user-only forum.

Each new version of Dolphin data recovery tools has a great improvement compared with the previous versions.

What’s new in the DFL-DDP version 1.31?

1, We have further enhanced the software running performance so that each function within the program is running faster and more stably; Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has had a quick fix to one small compatibility issue of the common COM command list  and now users with this new version will easily check the common commands and use them easily by simple clicks.

Users no longer need to input those commands manually and save a lot of time on this one.

Dolphin Data Lab has released this new version of 1.13 and users can download from DFL-ST II user only forum: Read more

After Dolphin Data Lab released the 2013 new Seagate hdd firmware repair tool-DFL-ST II, we have uploaded many video instructions for our users to watch and follow to use the tools.

Besides these video instructions, Dolphin Data Lab completed the new manual section II for users to use DFL-ST II with a greater success.

1.0 Support Contacts And Methods
2.0 General Diagnosing Principles
3.0 General Important facts on Seagate hard drives
3.1, ATA Mode And COM Mode
3.2, Seagate module checking
3.3, Key Modules of 7200.10 and Before; Read more