latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

Are you planning to take the Dolphin data recovery training certificate back and spend one Special happy and successful Christmas?

To start a higher level of business success, Dolphin team offers users one ideal choice to enter a new field-data recovery business field with complete data recovery solutions. The shortest path to reach this goal is to select Dolphin advanced data recovery training courses. Read more

Dolphin fragment recovery utility aims to be the top and professional tool for fragmented file recovery.

As for traditional data recovery technologies or methods, people try to recovery lost files, check the recovered files, if the recovered files are corrupted(files cannot be opened normally), repair the recovered files, if the corrupted files cannot be repaired, this kind of recovery case is mostly given up and the data becomes permanently lost. Read more

In order to enable greater success for all Dolphin users, Dolphin team has worked out its own Raid recovery utility and users can use it with the current DFL series data recovery tools including the SRP all in one and our new PCIe-4x data recovery equipment.

For existing users of above tools, it’s very easy to get the raid recovery utility for free, all they need to do is to submit one successful case study to us by using Dolphin tools and Dolphin team will add the utility for free for them. Read more

After continuing hard work on meeting Dolphin users’ demands in dealing with different data recovery cases in their data recovery labs, Dolphin Data Lab has completed the new PCIe data recovery equipment-DFL PCIe-4x and starts to ship this new equipment to worldwide users.

DFL PCIe-4x is one advanced data recovery equipment with the same software modules and same functions as another famous DFL data recovery equipment-DFL-SRP USB3.0 all in one. Read more

According to one investigation from users in over 100 countries, the level 2 head comb suite has become the most cost-effective and top-rated head replacement toolkit in 2015.

Level 2 head comb suite has contained 27 different head combs to support different hard drive brands of Seagate, WD, Samsung, Hitachi, Toshiba and Fujitsu, SATA, IDE, USB, SAS drives of both laptop and desktop whose heads park on a ramp are supported. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab are creating real all-in-one setup program for all Dolphin users.

With this new all in one software version V1.61, users can install it for one time only so that users can use the corresponding software modules (contained within the all in one software installation folders) with corresponding hardware including DFL-DE, DFL-FRP, DFL-URE and DFL-SRP. Read more

HPA failure is one very common problem to cause the partition failure telling the pc users partition not formatted. Common pc users without much knowledge cannot fix it properly and get the lost data back.

This is one basic data recovery case study for common pc users only when they don’t have advanced data recovery tools from Dolphin Data Lab, they can still get the data back easily without spending one cent. Read more

A flash drive has data loss, when it is connected to PC, the device is detected but when trying to open it, it shows “device not formatted, format now?”

As we know, this is a typical file system corruption data loss, it can be caused by: bad sectors, virus or DBR failure. Read more

Before users have Dolphin data recovery tools, it’s necessary users use some freeware such as MHDD to diagnose the hard drives and find out the current symptom and possible failures of the patient drive.

* Drive detected?
If drive is not detected, that means it has firmware or physical problems.
See picture, in MHDD, use I command to detect drives. Read more

Dolphin team keeps working hard to improving all our tools and adding new funtions and now we are releasing the all in one new version: V1.6 and it contains the following sub-versions for each module:

DDP V1.6, further optimized based on the released 1.6 beta, what’s new in DDP V1.6, Read more