latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

This is one very successful data recovery case study of Seagate Rosewood hard drive with firmware failure for one DFL user in Peru.

Boot 0x80M
Tech Unlock Handshake: 0x1FFBD19D
Rst 0x80M

T:0x0000 0x0270A57E
Srv DETCR init 0x0000


(P) SATA Reset


(DOS Table) Worst Count: 00000C3A At SU: 0000577F NT: 00000000 OT: 00000034
(MC POR Duration): 0000000134

Intel 6G->3G

Send Status: COMRESET seen

CSpd= 3Gbps

Update Mask – 0000000010A54410 – 00000008 – 00

Update Mask – 0000000010A54418 – 00000008 – 00

Starting LBA of RW Request=000214A2B1 Length=00000990

ProcessRWError -Read- at LBA 000214A90F Sense Code=43110081

Common path start quit now
ProcessRC: 00000000,00000000
SkipLen: 00000000
ReadContinuous: 0214A779,00000330
NumUDEs: 00000056,0000007A,00000324
Passed: 00000080,00000146,000002DE


LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F

Users can watch the video here on how to fix above firmware repair and data recovery case.

Firmware repair and data recovery tools used within this case:

DFL-SRP Seagate HDD Repair Tool
DFL-DDP Data Recovery Tool

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Western Digital Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool is one very good choice for IT engineers who wishes to repair Western Digital hdd firmware failure or recover lost data.

Dolphin Western Digital Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool contains both hardware and software.

As for Western Digital hdd firmware repair and data recovery hardware, engineers have two choices below:

01: DFL-SRP USB3.0 portable hardware;
02: DFL-PCIe 4x hardware

As for Western Digital hdd firmware repair and data recovery software, engineers have two choices below:

01: DFL-WD firmware repair software;
02: DFL-DDP data recovery software.

Firmware repair and data recovery solutions of Dolphin Western Digital Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool:

01: Test Western Digital hard drive heads, firmware modules;
02: Remove ATA Password;
03: Reset smart;
04: Read/write/edit/generate firmware modules;
05: Read/write/edit/generate ROM modules;
06: Unlock Western Digital SED hard drives;
07: Set up head map, edit head map in RAM and ROM;
08: Repair Western Digital hdd weak heads;
09: Quick firmware repair solutions are available (one button fix)
10: Image and extract lost data from Western Digital weak hdds and hdds with many bad sectors;
11: Image data from good heads first and then weak heads;
12: Many more…

Engineers can find all details about Dolphin Western Digital Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool here.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Seagate Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool is one very good choice for IT engineers who wishes to repair Seagate hdd firmware failure or recover lost data.

Dolphin Seagate Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool contains both hardware and software.

As for Seagate hdd firmware repair and data recovery hardware, engineers have two choices below:

01: DFL-SRP USB3.0 portable hardware;
02: DFL-PCIe 4x hardware

As for Seagate hdd firmware repair and data recovery software, engineers have two choices below:

01: DFL-Seagate firmware repair software;
02: DFL-DDP data recovery software.

Firmware repair and data recovery solutions of Dolphin Seagate Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool:

01: Diagnose and execute repair commands within COM terminal;
02: Remove ATA Password;
03: Reset smart;
04: Read/write/edit firmware modules;
05: Read/write/edit ROM modules;
06: Unlock Seagate SED hard drives;
07: Set up head map, edit head map in RAM and ROM;
08: Repair Seagate hdd weak heads;
09: Quick firmware repair solutions are available (one button fix)
10: Image and extract lost data from Seagate weak hdds and hdds with many bad sectors;
11: Image data from good heads first and then weak heads;
12: Many more…

Engineers can find all details about Dolphin Seagate Hard Drive Firmware Repair Tool and Data Recovery tool here.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has released the latest software V1.42 for the very helpful Dolphin data recovery assistant tool.

What’s new in Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. V1.42?

01: To recognize the MXF video file health status is added and the DR assistant helps to put the damaged MXF videos in one special folder or delete the corrupted MXF videos;

02: To recognize the MP4/MOV/3GP video file health status is added and the DR assistant helps to put the damaged MP4/MOV/3GP videos in one special folder or delete the corrupted MP4/MOV/3GP videos;

Users can learn more about Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. or Order it here.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one data recovery case from one DFL user in Indonesia and it’s actually one Seagate physical hdd firmware repair and data recovery cases.

Model : ST1000LM035-1RK172
Serial : WKP4P877
Firmware : EB01
Capacity : 281474976710655 (134217728.00GB)
Obtain failed
Sector size : 512
Heads number : Obtain failed

COM Terminal Output Messages:









Above hdd failure was caused by head corruption and the user swapped the heads and finally got all lost data back with DFL-DDP data recovery tool.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has created many new data recovery hardware tools and software to help those who are new to data recovery field or who want to set up your own data recovery lab professionally or who want to improve their data recovery success rate.

To minimize your investment in data recovery field, the following are very good choices for data recovery from laptop hard drives, desktop hard drives, external portable hard drives, usb flash drives, M2 SATA SSDs, M2 NVME SSDs, U.2 NVME SSDs, etc. Besides, users can use the Dolphin DVR Pro. to recover lost videos from CCTV, DVR, HVR, NVR, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

Option 1: Data recovery tools with installment/recharge plan

DFL PCIe Data Recovery Express. Recharge Version
DFL All-in-one Data Recovery Adapter Plus
Head and platter swap and clean suite
Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro.
Dolphin DVR Pro.

Option 2: One-time Cost Data Recovery Tools

DFL-SRP USB3.0 all-in-one Data Recovery Equipment
DFL All-in-one Data Recovery Adapter Plus
Head and platter swap and clean suite
Hard Drive Ramp Toolkit Pro.
Dolphin DVR Pro.

Special offer for all Dolphin users who order data recovery tools of either option 1 or option 2:

Two years’ free software upgrade and technique support
Five free remote support each month in the first two years
Data Recovery training u-disk as a gift with many free training docs.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has upgraded DFL all-in-one data recovery tools to latest version: V2.4.

Latest versions as below:

DFL-DDP data recovery tool: software version 2.4
Seagate hdd firmware repair tool: software version 4.3;
Western Digital hdd firmware repair tool: software version 3.0;
Samsung hdd firmware repair tool: software version 2.1;
Toshiba/Fujitsu hdd firmware repair tool: software version 1.61;
Hitachi/IBM hdd firmware repair tool: software version 1.41

All DFL users worldwide can check your current software version and find out if you are using the above latest software. If not, users can go to the DFL user-only forum and download the latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software V2.4 here.

The new data recovery functions available within the latest data recovery software V2.4 are mainly for new drives, new data recovery cases and higher data recovery success rate for exising drives and cases. The following are some new functions:

01: WD module 190 auto repair improvement;
02: WD weak head repair to enhance head read/write capability by adjusting head adaptives;
03: Seagate HDD LED repair-new solution, easier fix;
04: Seagate SMR format data recovery;
05: Seagate Set Max LBA within RAM and SA;
06: …

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

In many data recovery cases, users will get many invalid or corrupted files in the recovered folders. It’s not good or not professional to send all these recovered folders to the final clients(PC users asking for data recovery).

When patient drives have many bad sectors or weak heads or scratched surfaces or when the patient drives have many fragmented files and common data recovery software cannot recover and restructure all fragmented files and the recovered files could not be opened normally, users will get many invalid or corrupted files within these cases.

Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. helps a lot to detect all invalid files or corrupted files quickly and delete them quickly.

Invalid files contain the following items:

01: Suffix contains tmp, tem, temp, Ink, etc;
02: Prefix contains ?, ~,etc;
03: File name contains ? ;
04: Detect and delete desktop.ini ;
05: Detect and delete thumbs.db

File extensions supported:


Invalid file sizes to set;
Set to delete empty folders;
Content or File Header contains DEADDEAD;

All corrupted files will be put to one special folder DEAD_DEAD_DEAD.
Data recovery engineers use this function-‘Detect and Delete Invalid Files’ very frequently for their data recovery success.

Steps to Detect and Delete Invalid Files:

01: Select Path to detect and delete invalid files;
02: Click ‘Check’ to detect invalid files;
03: Click ‘Delete’ to delete invalid files.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has released the latest software of Dolphin DR Assistant Pro-V1.41 and all users can use this software more efficiently and successfully.

What’s new in this new Dolphin DR Assistant Pro. V1.41?

1.Support file rename for documents with partial corruption;
2.Deleting desktop.ini is added;
3.Deleting thumbs.db is added;
4.File size range to delete is added;
5.Support file type rename of doc,xls,docx,xlsx,zip,rar,pdf,txt;
6.The program can put all invalid files to one special folder;
7.Recognition of doc/xls file format using xml wrong file type;

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Data recovery engineers can get good data recovery solutions from DFL-Samsung HDD firmware repair tool for Samsung patient hard drives with head failure.

Samsung hdd failure symptoms:

Clicking noises;
Not spining;
Working slowly;
Undetected/wrongly detected.

HDD Repair tools and data recovery tools required to fix Samsung patient drives with head failure:

DFL-Samsung HDD firmware repair tool
DFL-DDP data recovery equipment

Data Recovery Solutions required to fix Samsung patient drives with head failure:

01: Head map editing in ROM;
02: Set up head map within DFL-DDP for imaging good heads first and then weak heads;
03: Swap heads by Samsung hdd head replacement tools within clean room.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: