latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

With DFL-WDII hdd repair tool, users can repair the bad sectors caused by bad heads, it’s easy to find out the damaged heads and cut the damaged heads so that the patient hdds can work again.

The following case study is to tell how to find out the bad heads and cut them.

Scan the hdd and users can find the intensive bad sectors;

Write Down the LBA value of the bad sectors, the starting LBA and ending LBA of the bad sectors;

Go to Menu Common–>CHS LBA Translate; Read more

It’s one very common hdd repair case that the PCB is burnt but we require important data from the hard drives.

Is it as simple as swapping with one good PCB to the burnt hard drives to recover the lost data? The answer is ‘No’!

If users want to recover data from WD hard drives with Burnt PCB, users need firstly to find one donor PCB with the same PCB number, detailed PCB swap guides and tips are available here within Dolphin Data Lab user-only forums. Read more

To repair hard drive bad sectors, it requires the users to diagnose the hard drives first to find out what are the real causes of the bad sectors you are going to repair.

Bad Sector Types And Repair Solutions

  1. Bad sector type 1: logical bad sectors due to some logical errors and not many sectors, users can scan and add to plist or glist or merge from glist to plist;Then format with plist.
  2. Bad sector type 2: due to bad or downgraded head and the read is not stable, at this time, users need to cut heads and then perform format with plist;
  3. Bad sector type 3: If the bad sectors are caused by adaptive parameters, users can run ARCO 46 and then format with plist;
  4. Bad sector type 4: if it’s a small physical sctatch, users can use add to p-list by LBA or cut zones and then run format with plist.
  5. Bad sector type 5: if it’s due to dirty heads, usually clients need to do this way by cleaning the heads.
  6. Bad sector type 6: if there’re too many bad and irregular sectors, need to run arco optimize and 28 selftest. Read more

HDD Repair: Fixing Dead HDD PCB, Dead ROM Cases With The Help Of High-speed USB Programmer Pro.

Within 2013, Dolphin Data Lab is offering better-supported, better-functioned and better-priced hdd repair tools and data recovery tools to all engineers worldwide.

Dolphin Data Lab has named the first month of 2013-January as the gift month to all clients who are going to use DFL series data recovery tools. Within this month, we are offering the high-speed USB programmer Pro. for free if you buy DFL-DE data recovery tool and DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool. Read more

This is the first day of new year 2013 and firstly we would like to express our sincere wishes and blessing to all clients, all hdd repair and data recovery engineers and all your families and we wish you achieve new and greater success and happiness in your jobs and life.

  • Within 2013, have you ever thought about starting a professional data recovery business or set up one new data recovery sector based on your existing IT services?
  • Within 2013, have you ever thought about purchasing new hdd repair and data recovery tools to enhance your data recovery capabilities? Read more

The Essence of Data Recovery

Data recovery means retrieving lost, deleted, unusable or inaccessible data that is lost for various reasons; Data recovery not only restores lost files but also recovers corrupted data; Data recovery is necessary when the source drive fails and there is no good back up. Data Recovery Tools including data recovery hardware and data recovery software are important to use correctly to the corresponding failures.

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Dolphin Data Lab Product Catalog.pdf

The source drive can fail for two reasons

One – damage to the media and the pre-existing data needs to be retrieved. Read more

After a lot of times’ improvement, software upgrade and continuing professional support to all DFL users of DFL-DE data recovery tool and DFL-WDII hdd repair tool, Dolphin Data Lab has received more and more attention and inquiries from countries worldwide with different language and culture background.

In order to give faster and easier support to these clients from different time zones, we’re accelerating the process of setting up the reseller program and local support centers in different countries. Read more

When we are repairing our patient hard drives and recovering the data, it’s a must we have a correct analysis process and have one accurate conclusion on what’s wrong with the hard drives. Never do as you wonder when you are not sure of this one. Recently we have some clients who have shared with us some of their embarrassing experience before having our hdd repair tools and we are here sharing with all users so that you may avoid the same mistakes and destroy your data.

Let’s check the following failures and symptoms:

* The patient hard drives click each 3-4 seconds;
* The hard drives keeps busy and not ready; Read more

Dolphin Data Lab is here presenting all our best wishes to users worldwide of DFL series products and within this Christmas season, we wish our greetings will add to your happiness and wonderful celebration.

We’re sorry but we cannot offer you huge discount of DFL data recovery tools like some other suppliers do, because we’ve made very fair and attractive sales prices so that every potential data recovery body can afford to;

We’re happy and proud we’re offering the most cost-effective data recovery tools and solutions to clients worldwide and helping them with a real success in data recovery field; Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has just updated its user manual of DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool to its latest version-version 2.4 which is properly configured with the latest DFL-WDII latest program.

Within manual v2.4, we’ve added many more explainations on the WD important firmware modules including both modules which are often damaged and required to repair for getting the hard drives ready and make it possible to recover the lost data. Read more