latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

We have handled many WD PCB1692 series 2.5″ hard drives with some tips entering the safe mode.

For 2.5″ PCB1692 or series after, it’s not a problem to read ROM when the hard drives are recognized. But it’s a problem when we tried to write ROM and it’s quite often to make the PCB dead by writing ROM to it.

The success rate is not high to enter safe mode by short connecting on 1692 series. The best way to enter safe mode for 1692 series is to separate the PCB, anyway, pls don’t remove the PCB.

Users just need to remove the two screws on the PCB to control the heads contact and insert one biz card and then power on and wait until the motor stops spinning and then the hdd enters kernel mode and next the ROM can be read and written.This also helps to read firmware modules for some hard drives with bad heads. Read more

Here we recommend one smart idea for people who wants to attend our advanced data recovery training courses-teaming purchase which is the only way to minimize the cost.

Users from the same city or even the same state or province or same country can team up together and find one local office and Dolphin Data Lab will send the data recovery training experts to the local office of the clients to offer the web listed advanced data recovery training courses.

How much is a basic Data Recovery class? It runs around $3800.00 for the week plus your air fair, hotel, and living expenses. You are looking at around $6000.00 to send one person for a weeks training. Read more

This is right now a golden opportunity to those data recovery engineers who have summer holidays and it’s a good time to relax your brain, release your body and take care of your family and life and after the summer holidays engineers can start again their data recovery business with fresh ideas and energy.

It’s a pity Dolphin Data Lab doesn’t have the summer holidays and keep working all the standard working days and hours and we keep researching on some new data recovery tools and solutions and when engineers come back from the summer holidays, engineers can enjoy working with these new stuff. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has recently released not only the latest version of DFL-DE data recovery tool version 1.5 and DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment version 1.1, but the latest version of user manual and instruction has been being offered.

And today we have finished the latest version-1.5 of DFL-DE user manual and tips explaining how to use the new data recovery functions.

Section I Index

1.1 DFL-DE Hardware Overview P3-4
1.2 How To Connect Hard Drives To DFL-DE P5-6
1.3 COM Port Connection Tips P7-10
1.4 How To Install DFL-DE Software P10-21 Read more

Patient HDD ID:

Model: WD3200AAJS-00L7A0; Serial Number: WCAV2K523946; PCB 1590 Series

When the hdd was received and it was clicking, by listening to the clicking hard drives, the engineer can tell it’s one head damaged hdd. For users without enough experience, users can use our force loading technology to judge whether it’s firmware clicking or head-related clicking.

Users can always compare the good drives’ working sounds and patient drives’ working sounds, when you listen to them more, it’s easy to tell them from each other. Read more

We have recently setup the Australia sales and support center for all Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools including the latest DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment, DFL-DE data recovery tool, DFL-WDII hdd repair tool, head and platter swap tools, microscopes, high-speed flash programmer, COM cable plus, etc.

This is one close cooperation with our Partner-Dolphin Data Recovery Pty Ltd and this support and sales center will offer more professional and localized and fast support to clients from Australia.

If users want to check live demo of Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools and the latest data recovery technologies in Sydney Australia, users can contact Dolphin Data Recovery Center Australia or contact our head office Dolphin Data Lab in Chengdu. Read more

For a higher success rate of hdd repair and data recovery, cheers!

1, Smart Disk Image Technology

The program offers users two modes to image the patient hard drive: UDMA Mode and PIO mode and the program is able to detected the health status of each sector based on its response time of being read and written and then the program automatically select the right data transfer mode UDMA or PIO to read each sector differently. That’s to say to read good sectors in UDMA mode and to read Bad sectors in PIO mode and the whole process is automatically done by the program itself.

2, Double Channels’ Images

Advanced imaging features handling disk imaging tasks from two patient disks at the same time, double the disk imaging efficiency from faulty hard drives; Read more

Based on the version 1.0, DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment version 1.1 is one huge upgrade with many new disk imaging features, new file recovery features and new common hdd repair solutions.

DFL-DDP version 1.1 becomes one truly powerful and cost-effective data recovery equipment. To own one DFL-DDP sometimes beat owning several other similar data recovery tools.

Let’s check what’re new features added in DFL-DDP version 1.1?

1, To recover data by file types-raw recovery is added;
2, To image by file is added;
3, Multi-pass image is added;
4, VMFS3/VMFS4 file system support is added;
5, To enable/disable MBR is added;
6, To display the file details is added;
7, To copy LBA to clipboard is added;
8, To terminate the ID read when it takes long to read ID;
9, To skip the LBA when scanning the sectors;
10,APP/ATA backup of Seagate Baraccuda 7200.7-10, 5400.3(Default baud rate is 9600); Read more

We sincerely show our great respect to our official reseller in Brazil-PCdiag!

Dolphin Data Lab has cooperated with our first official reseller in Brazil-PCdiag for some time with great performance in supporting our users of DFL-DE data recovery tool, DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment and DFL-WDII hdd repair tools and our head and platter swap tools.

Due to the special situations and strict importing policies of Brazil, it’s more important for users there to have and use the most cost-effective hdd repair tools and data recovery tools.If users select the wrong tools to go with, they will mostly spend much more money to change tools and they will be charged again the high tax cost and new cost in new tools and new shipping cost.

Just because of above reasons, Dolphin Data Lab works hard with all our resellers and partners and our users to create the DFL series data recovery tools, to improve them, to add new features and functions, to offer detailed case studies and manuals, to offer more and more resources, etc. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has recently entered partnership with AGDI to offer our tools in France and new users and interests can make an appointment to see the live demo of the Dolphin Data Lab primary data recovery tools-DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment and DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool.

AGDI France is one professional IT services company and hdd repair and data recovery are two of their key services and their CEO-William Simon is one professional data recovery engineer and very helpful and responsible for all his jobs and clients.Dolphin Data Lab feel proud to work with AGDI and its owner.

Users can make an appointment with either Dolphin Data Lab or AGDI France to check the above tools and see in person how they work for your data recovery success. Read more