latest news about Dolphin data lab data recovery tools, data recovery training courses, data recovery solutions.

All users of Dolphin Data Lab are able to download the latest versions of both DFL-DE data recovery tool and DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment.

Latest version of  DFL-DE: Version 1.65
Latest version of DFL-DDP: Version 1.25

To get these new versions of data recovery tools, users need to register in our official forum: and have corresponding permission to access to the DDP and DE forum to download the upgrade programs. Read more

Seagate Momentus 5400.6 hard drive repair

Rst 0x08M
RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121

RW Err = C3160084

RW cmd 0002 req = 89 3E 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121

RW Err = 43110081

RW cmd 0002 req = 75 5F 02 00 17 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 41 08 00 87 4C 09 00 08 41 08 00
opts = 00001121 Read more

It’s about in one month the price of Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools will be increased by 10% and we kindly ask those who are interested in Dolphin Data recovery tools including DFL-DE data recovery tool and DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment can grasp this opportunity and save the cost.

Users can place orders of these tools before November 11th and Dolphin Data Lab starts to ship the tools by DHL express from October 8th after we complete the National Day holiday from October 1-7th. Read more

We are happy to share this happy news with everyone: Dolphin Data Lab has uploaded the new version of DFL-DE data recovery tools version 1.2 and DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment version 1.2 to the official user-only forum.

Our engineers, our resellers and some of our happy and loyal users are helping to testing these new versions and the following are comments on the new versions from data recovery engineers worldwide:

RE: DFL-DE Version 1.6 Beta Is Available
I’m testing the new beta version, it is working very well for me…
PCdiag from Brazil Read more

Dolphin Data Lab Australia Data Recovery Training Center will be holding a 5 day comprehensive data recovery training course in Sydney, Australia from November 11th to 15th.

To view what training contents is included in the training course, users can download the following PDF document and read:


Dolphin Data Lab Australia data recovery training center has decided to offer this data recovery training courses to those who want to start a data recovery business or start one in-house data recovery sector or who are interested in Dolphin Data Recovery Tools but want to have a deep and comprehensive view inside the tools and solutions. Read more

After a lot of tests, research and development, Dolphin Data Lab has upgraded all the tools many times and Dolphin Data Recovery Tools including its DFL-DE data recovery tool, DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment, DFL-WDII hdd firmware repair tool have been used by more and more data recovery engineers from worldwide countries.

These data recovery engineers love the support from Dolphin Data Lab and love the success the Dolphin Data Lab data recovery tools bringing to them and now our happy users become our resellers and today one of our happy users-Templonet S. L. becomes our reseller in Madrid, Spain. Read more

After continuing tests and development on DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment,we are going to release the new version 1.2.

Based on the new version 1.1 final released several days ago, we have done the following:

1, Added the virtual disk support as TARGET DISK;
2, Added ‘Bad’ suffix to files which fail to be read;
3, Color of error messages in the log report is changed to red; Read more

According to the board discussion of Dolphin Data Lab, we have decided to raise prices of DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment and DFL-DE by 10% in two months. That’s to say from November 11th, 2013, the prices of above two mentioned tools will be 10% higher than the current prices. And at the same time, the prices of the data recovery start-up suite and grow-up suite will be raised too.

DFL-DDP and DFL-DE were created and released with more reasonable design, more powerful functions and more professional support than similar data recovery tools but they have been sold to data recovery engineers at lower prices. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has completed the new version of DFL-DDP USB3.0 data recovery equipment and going to upgrade it again so that users can enjoy a smooth and smart working equipment.

Dolphin Data Lab has invited some supportive users and resellers for the first round of test on this new version of DDP and we have got very good feedback this time from most of them. We are uploading the new DDP upgrade program to our official forum for users to download it for free Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has recently got some WD 4TB hard drives from our clients and the following screenshots were offered by our Domestic Chinese engineers using the Chinese version of our tools. Please note that Dolphin Data Lab offers full-English version data recovery tools too.

The following image explains DFL-WDII hdd repair tool is used to recognize the 4TB hard drive ID details and read firmware modules: Read more