Screwdriver set is very common whereever in the world but one great and complete set of hard drive data recovery screwdriver set takes time to find.

We had bad experience in using some cheap screwdrivers and some of them may help damaging your hard drive and destroy the data specially when users try to remove the screws on the head stack or the screws on the motor. Read more

Our data recovery lab had received one data recovery case on one Seagate laptop hdd with CIH virus attacked and the hdd couldn’t be detected in disk management. When the defective hdd is connected to pc, it is running very slowly. Read more

Kindly be informed that Dolphin Data Lab Headquarter will be closed for International Labor Day holidays from Sunday April 29 to Tuesday May 1st, and will re-open for business on Wednesday May 2nd.

Like as usual, we will check and answer email during this 3 days’ holiday. Users worldwide can place orders without any issue. But all the product delivery will be postponed to May 2nd since DHL carrier will be closed during this period. Read more

Dolphin team are offering more and more new and easy-to-use hdd repair and data recovery solutions to all Dolphin users and the following are the WD optimized auto repair steps.

1, Erasing Flash, Writing Flash;
2, Reset Drive …..Please wait…..Done;
3, Load ATA modules;
4, Mini Arco Testing; Read more

(P) SATA Reset

SIM Error 3005 RW Error 00000080
No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A5^z
Read more

This is one Seagate ST500DM002 data recovery case study, the engineer cannot enter F3 T> terminal and cannot input any commands with the following error messages.

Rst 0x40M

MC Internal LPC Process

Spin Up
TCC-001F Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has released the new software version for all DFL based data recovery tools including DFL-SRP USB3.0 data recovery tools, DFL PCIe-4x data recovery tools and DFL-URE USB hdd recovery tools.

What’s new:
General: PCIe data recovery recharge system optimization, recharge system works more excellently. Read more

For many new WD hard drives, they have another kind of common failure, always busy!

All Dolphin users have learnt about the standard WD hdd firmware repair steps to fix the WD busy drives, to short connect the PCB or to separate the PCB head contacts, and then enter program to bypass SA and backup 01 and load module map 01 to RAM to backup all required firmware modules for firmware repair and data recovery. Read more

Dolphin team keeps working hard and smartly to release new data recovery solutions for all hard drive brands and from now on, Dolphin new Data recovery solution for Seagate Rosewood LM hard drives’ “ROM Dead” failure is available and unique to Dolphin DFL users. Read more

ST2000LM007 LED:0x000000BD FAddr: 0x00005E43 data recovery case study is not easy case and the solution has been created by Jignesh from SmartComputech, Dolphin Indian sales and support center and have helped many users fix many cases.

Some users may have other data recovery tools but still fail to fix this kind of failure and send the cases to SmartComputech and Jignesh gets the cases fixed quickly by DFL SRP all in one or DFL pcie data recovery tools. Read more