More and more data recovery engineers worldwide have come to Chengdu and visit Dolphin head office for advanced data recovery training. It’s just in June 25-29, data recovery engineers from USA and Canada had taken the advanced training courses and got the certificate of excellence in data recovery field from Dolphin Data Lab. Read more

This is another successful western digital hdd data recovery case by Dolphin remote support system for Dolphin user in Peru. Hard drive model number: WD10EZEX-60ZF5A0; Capacity: 1 TB; Head number: 2 heads; PCB: 1824.

Symptom: clicking, spin up and down; Data area blocked. Read more

To recover lost data from western digital hard drives, it is common the patient hard drive ID information couldn’t be properly detected and in some cases, when users connect the patient hard drives to firmware repair tools, users get wrong model and wrong SN, such as WDC ROM Model-PINCLITE, WDC-ROM SN# XYZ.

If users don’t fix above firmware failure, users cannot access to the data area. Read more

This is one common and easy to fix data recovery case study for Dolphin users with DFL WD HDD firmware repair tools. HDD ID: WD20EZRZ-00Z5HB0; SN: WD-WCC4M0AYXCXY, Capacity: 2TB.

This case study was fixed by Dolphin remote support engineer for one Dolphin user from Argentina. Read more

Dolphin Data Lab has successfully completed one SSD data recovery case for one China local user by DFL-DDP data recovery tool. The SSD ID: Gloway STK512G S3-S7 Read more

To recover lost data from USB flash drives, SD, CF cards or Portable hard drives with USBC sector error is very common data recovery case and many tools in the market cannot handle it properly.

USBC error is usually caused by unexpected power loss or abnormal driver behaviors and wrong data is written to the storage medias. Please note it is not virus, just wrong data written. Read more

Dolphin remote support is one of the biggest advantages for Dolphin users over any other suppliers of data recovery tools and solutions. Within 2017, Dolphin team have helped Dolphin users by remote support in over 130 countries to complete over 1500 cases and over 88% cases have been successfully fixed and the lost data has been recovered.

According to Dolphin Statistics, it’s about US$400000 created for these Dolphin users. Read more

In order to make the data recovery training u-disk more helpful to all users, Dolphin engineers have created 25 more new WD HDD firmware repair videos and added them to the data recovery training u-disk.

Here is the list of them:

1, Head map editing in RAM vs ROM for WD drives;
2, How to backup WD hard drive firmware modules, tracks and ROM;
3, How to boot hard drive heads from head 1 when head 0 is damaged;
4, How to Disable Heads Simply and Run WD Auto HDD Repair;
5, How to edit the WD model and SN number after refurbishing WD drives;
6, How to Edit WD HDD ID;
7, How to find out the damaged head from clicking WD drives;
8, How to Fix WD Translator failure When Heads are read only;
9, How to fix WD Busy HDDs caused by Module 36;
10, How to Fix WD Slow Detection Problem When the Heads are Read only;
11, How to Format SA for WD Hard Drives;
12, How to Generate WD ROM For PCB before 1640 for data recovery;
13, How to get the Western Digital hard drive microcode;
14, How to Read and Write WD HDD Tracks and How to Extract Firmware Modules from Tracks;
15, How to read write and find Donor WD HDD ROM;
16, How to Recover WD hard drives full of Bad Sectors;
17, How to refurbish WD hard drives using common firmware;
18, How to refurbish WD hard drives with few bad sectors in simple steps;
19, How-to-repair-WD-hard-drives-offline-with-offline-power-strip;
20, WD HDD Bypass SA Fix Non-accessible SA;
21, WD Head Adaptive Data;
22, WD Standard firmware repair program vs wd auto repair program;
23, WDC WD20EZRZ-00PJMB2-Model and SN Editing-New WD HDD ID Edit;
24, Western Digital Hard Drive Head read and write test.

Dolphin data recovery engineers will create more videos on WD hdd firmware repair and add to data recovery training u-disk.

Dolphin team have recently created more and more videos on how to fix Seagate busy hard drives, how to fix Seagate wrongly detected hard drives, how to fix Seagate undetected hard drives and here is a list of the video cases.

and now this list of firmware repair videos have been added to Dolphin unique data recovery training u-disk. Read more

Some new IT engineers have recently asked us how to edit the hard drive serial number simply and quickly for all hard drive brands.

This might be not easy for most common IT people but if users have Dolphin DFL hard drive firmware repair tools, it can be very easy and quick to change the hard drive serial number. With DFL firmware repair tools, users can connect multiple hard drives to the firmware repair hardware and then users can open the firmware repair software for different hard drives connected.

Next users just need to simply click the Edit HDD ID menu, the program will list the HDD model number, Serial number, capacity, etc and users just need to simply replace the SN number with the wanted one and then click OK, power off and power on, the new hard drive serial number will appear.

The hard drive serial number can be saved in ID firmware module on platters or ROM on the PCB. The program will recognize the SN storage location and edit it correctly.

It takes usually about 15 seconds or less to complete the hard drive serial number modification and all users can use the DFL hdd firmware repair tools to edit the SN by simple clicks.