This is one Seagate Rosewood portable hard drive-ST2000LM007 and when our engineer was trying to backup the firmware modules, it’s very slow with some slight noises.

It seems like some noises from the heads, seems like some kind of damage on the heads but actually not.

Patient HDD ID:

Model number: ST2000LM007-1R8174
Serial number: WDZVJ06Z
Firmware: EB01
Capacity: 3907029168
Sector Size: 4096
Heads number: 4
Family: Janus (AF)

ST2000LM007 Error messages:


T:0x0000 0x3FFFFFFF

TCC:0014:001D EMCDataErr:0000000C














TCC:0014:0019 EMCDataErr:00000000


It’s very easy to fix above firmware failure and get the ST2000LM007 patient hdd repaired by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool.

All users need to do is to go to the ‘Defects Management’>Initialize ID (ATA) and it’s just one simple click to fix above issue.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

What’s new in Dolphin DVR V3.68?
Get the latest Dolphin CCTV DVR data recovery software here.

* Dongle ID and license valid date are required for this update.

New Camera Video Support

Canon EOS 500D professional camera video recovery support;
Canon PowerShot SX160 IS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon ixus_190 professional camera video recovery support;
Canon ixus_285_HS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon powershot_a2300 professional camera video recovery support;
Canon powershot_a3300_is professional camera video recovery support;
Canon EOS 5D Mark II professional camera video recovery support;
Canon IXUS 220 HS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon IXUS 230 HS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon IXUS 1000 HS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon PowerShot A3400 IS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon PowerShot G12 professional camera video recovery support;
Canon PowerShot SX30 IS professional camera video recovery support;
Canon PowerShot SX150 IS professional camera video recovery support;

Nikon CoolPix S8200 professional camera video recovery support;
Nikon E4100 professional camera video recovery support;
Nikon s9100 professional camera video recovery support;
NIKON COOLPIX S6 professional camera video recovery support;
NIKON D7200 professional camera video recovery support;
Nikon L120 professional camera video recovery support;
NIKON D7000 professional camera video recovery support;

Konica Minolta SX744 professional camera video recovery support;
Sony hxr_nx80 professional camera video recovery support;
GoPro Hero5 Black professional camera video recovery support;
CASIO EX-TR150 professional camera video recovery support;
KODAK V550 professional camera video recovery support;
KODAK Z1012 IS professional camera video recovery support;
Kodak DX7440 professional camera video recovery support;
SANYO E10 professional camera video recovery support;
SANYO S7 professional camera video recovery support;

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one more successful Seagate ST1000LM035 undetected LED HDD firmware repair and data recovery case study from one DFL user in Indonesia.

Patient HDD ID:
Model number: ST1000LM035 1RK172
Family: Rosewood A5

HDD Repair Tools and Data Recovery Equipment Required:
DFL-SRP USB3.0 all-in-one Data Recovery Equipment

Error Messages within COM Terminal:

‘Boot 0x80M
Rst 0x80M
Srv DETCR init 0x0000


(P) SATA Reset



(DOS Table) Worst Count: 00000FF8 At SU: 0000523E NT: 00000000 OT: 000000C5
(MC POR Duration): 000000007B

Intel 6G->3G

Send Status: COMRESET seen

CSpd= 3Gbps


Update Mask – 000000000D0A3EB8 – 00000008 – 00

Update Mask – 000000000D0A3EC0 – 00000008 – 00

Starting LBA of RW Request=0001A13C9F Length=00001DD0

ProcessRWError -Read- at LBA 0001A147F9 Sense Code=43110081

Common path start quit now
ProcessRC: 00000000,00000000
SkipLen: 00000000
ReadContinuous: 01A1468F,00000350
NumUDEs: 0000002B,00000031,00000236
Passed: 00000080,00000153,000002FB


LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F
LED:0x000000BD FAddr:0x0000780F’

View and watch the Undetected LED ST1000LM035 1RK172 HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps video case study here

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one second-hand Seagate ST8000NM0105 enterprise SED HDD data recovery case from one DFL user in Germany and the user couldn’t recover the lost data with any other tools because they couldn’t unlock the firmware area properly and couldn’t repair the firmware corruption.

This user applied for remote support and wish his case could be fixed by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool and remote support.

Patient HDD ID:
Model number-ST8000NM0105
FW version: G004
Family-MakaraPlus (91)

Patient HDD symptoms:
Capacity 0
Firmware unlock failure

ST8000NM0105 Data Recovery Steps:

01: Backup ROM;
02: Generate adaptive ROM by DFL Seagate hdd repair tool;
03: Power off and on and …;
04: …
05: Send unlock key and backup important sys files;
06: View NGlist;
07: Clear G-list and regenerate translator.

Read complete steps here in the Dolphin user-only forum.

After firmware corruption is fixed, users can go to DFL-DDP data recovery equipment to image the patient HDD or extract the lost files directly.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

As for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drive data recovery cases, bad sectors, weak heads, damaged heads, scratched surfaces and translator failures are very common.

As for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drive bad sectors and weak heads, users can use DFL-DDP data recovery equipment to test heads, set up head map and image the patient HDD by selective heads, image good heads first and then faulty heads.

If the Hitachi and Toshiba patient hard drives require head swap, users need to use the level 2 head replacement tool to swap the heads within clean room environment.

The most common firmware failures for Hitachi and Toshiba hard drives are translator failure. As for Hitachi drives, users need to backup P-list and then load P-list to RAM; As for Toshiba, users can clear g-list or run virtual translator.

Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

The following are all the Samsung common firmware repair solutions within DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

01: LED 1AXX Fix;
02: Clear A-list;
03: Reset Smart;
04: Remove Password;
05: Soft Reset (COM);
06: Hard Reset (COM);

As for Samsung hard drives, the firmware is not easy to get damaged, the most common Samsung failures are PCB damage, rom damage and head damage.

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

There’re many new Seagate common firmware repair solutions added to DFL-DDP data recovery equipment and the following are the latest ones:

01: Send unlock key;
02: CC31/CC32 busy;
03: 7200.11/.12 Busy fix or capacity 0 fix;
04: 7200.11/.12 LED fix;
05: F3 Dos Fix;
06: F3 ready then busy Fix;
07: 7200.12 LBA0 Fix;
08: ATA Translator Regeneration;
09: F3 Password Removal;
10: F3 Reset Smart;
11: F3 Clear NG-list;
12: F3 Partial Sector Access Fix;
13: F3 single LBA Adjustment;
14: F3 SIM1009 Fix;
15: F3 MCMT Fix;
16: F3 SMART Fix;
17: F3 SYS Reset;
18: F3 Advanced Settings;
19: .7-.10 Read Modules;
20: .7-.10 Load ATA/APP;
21: .7-.10 Remove Password;
22: .7-.10 Read ROM;
23: .7-.10 Load Modules;
24: .7-.10 CELOG fix;
25: ATA/COM Switch.

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Latest DFL all-in-one data recovery software version: V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

Dolphin Data Lab has upgraded both data recovery hardware and software a lot and the latest all-in-one software version is V20230208 and users can get this one from Dolphin user-only forum or from the sales representative.

The following is the latest Western Digital hard drive common firmware repair solutions within the DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

01: NHPA;
02: Remove Password, used when users forget ATA password;
03: Slow Fix, fix Western Digital hard drive slow responding issue caused by firmware corruption;
04: LOAD LDR, this solution is used to load firmware loaders such as module 11 to RAM to get the hdd read/write properly, the loaders need to be the same microcode as the patient HDD;
05: Reset Smart;
06: Show microcode, this function helps to find donor firmware;
07: Edit head map in RAM, used for physically damaged data recovery cases;
08: Load T2 data, mainly used for WD SMR drives with all sectors 0000;
09: Module 190 repair manager, in many WD SMR hard drive recovery cases, the module 190 is corrupted and not original, need to repair, for example, the WD smr hdd is formatted;
10: Change disk configuration/WD SMR HDD slow responding fix;

Besides above common firmware repair solutions, users can also mount drives, set password to protect drives, image faulty drives with bad sectors or weak heads, extract lost data directly, etc. Within DDP, users can also get Raid recovery addon and also fragment recovery addon.

If users wish to fix more complicated firmware corrupted cases, users need then DFL firmware repair tools together with DFL-DDP data recovery equipment.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

The following is one email from one DFL user in Germany asking for the compatibility between two Seagate hard drives, one of which requires head swap.

‘DONOR is ST1000DX001
Patient HDD: ST1000DM003


i have here a Seagate ST1000DM003 – Drop down failure.

In first test i can see error message = damaged heads / and may be platter damaged

FAIL Servo Op=0100 Resp=0003
ResponseFrame EC40 0046 03B2 4900 0008 0000 0000 0000 0966 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 57D1 F98F FFFF 2000 2412 0000 0000 4947 0000 4947 0000 007F 0000 0020 0012 0004 0000
FAIL Servo Op=0100 Resp=0003

I have only one donor HDD – ST1000DX001 and i know many people change heads between different hdds
and the preamp is the same.

Question: should i change the heads without create adaptive rom? (DM/DX possible !?)
or must i create a adaptive rom?

Or does it make no sense to swap the heads, what is your recommendation?

Patient: ST1000DM003 – 2 Heads
Preamp: B2 03
S/N: Z1D
PN: 9YN162
Family: Grenada

Donor: ST1000DX001 – 2 Heads
Preamp: B2 03
S/N: Z1D
PN: 9YN162
Family: Grenada”

For Seagate hard drive head swap, users need to check the preamp type, family, PCB number and sometimes head map, for some drives, even they have the same model number, they may have different head map.

After head swap, if the drive clicks, users need to create adaptive rom and write adaptive rom and try again. For the head swap cases, it’s very important for users to air blow the platters and the hdd inner parts and also need to check the surfaces carefully.

Tools required to fix above cases:

DFL Seagate hdd firmware repair tool
DFL DDP data recovery equipment
Seagate hdd head replacement tool

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID:

This is one very interesting Seagate ST4000LM024 firmware repair and data recovery case study because the patient hard drive has multiple firmware failures and finally the lost data was perfectly recovered by DFL SRP All-in-one data recovery equipment.

Patient HDD iD:
Model Number: ST4000LM024-2AN17V

Patient HDD Failure Symptoms:
Busy, Undetected, Nohost, Wrong Data Area

COM Terminal Error Messages:

‘Boot 0x80M

Rst 0x80M
[RSO is disabled]

(P) SATA Reset

No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1
ServoDiscSlip Time = 00000039’

Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Steps

1, Select correct family ID: M11(A1) and Enter DFL Seagate HDD Firmware Repair and Data Recovery Software(no need to power on);
2, Backup ROM;
3, Generate unlock ROM;
4, Write unlock ROM;
5, Power off and on and send unlock Key;
6, Backup NGlist and other important SYS files;
7, Clear G-list;
8, Regenerate translator;
9, Initialize by ID(COM);
10,Power off and on and send unlock key;
11,Fix the wrong data/data offset issue;
12,Enter DFL-DDP data recovery software and all lost data was available for immediate data recovery.

Any question is welcome to [email protected] or add Dolphin Skype ID: