This is one successful remote data recovery case study for one DFL user in USA.
According to the user’s report, the patient drive could be properly detected and was able to enter F3 T> but when he tried to image the hard drive, he could only image 70% around of the drive and the last 30% of data was blocked. If the user tried to scan the bad sectors, full of bad sectors was found. Read more
This is one physical western digial head swap data recovery case.
When the case was received, users request Dolphin data recovery engineers to check remotely. By entering safe mode of the hard drive, the engineer could backup the ROM and run SA Bypassing function. Read more
In this summer season 2018, more and more Dolphin users worldwide come to Dolphin head office in China to attend the advanced hard drive data recovery training courses.
These users cannot only enjoy their summer holiday by seeing one different great China, the most important, users can learn and improve their data recovery skills for faster data recovery and higher-success-rate data recovery from firmware and physical damaged hard drives. Read more
For WD hard drives which is undetected and capacity 0, it is not easy for common data recovery companies without professional firmware repair tools or it is impossible case for data recovery software solutions.
When the patient drive was powered on, the drive had no physical damage symptoms but when trying to detect the hard drive ID information, it failed and the hard drive model, SN, firmware version and SPT were not available and the capacity was 0. Read more
When users power on the patient drive with data loss, users may find the following reported error messages in the COM terminal:
Rst 0x08M
Servo Processor Is Reset.
RW: Disc Ctlr Initialization Completed. Read more
SIM1009 error is one common error message reported by the patient HDD in the COM terminal and with DFL Seagate firmware repair tool, it’s just one click away to fix this failure and get lost data back.
This is one successful remote case study for one DFL user in Mexico. The user applied for remote support by Dolphin remote support system and Dolphin engineer connected to user PC by teamviewer and started to fix the damaged drive for user. Read more