Software upgrade is one very big advantage for Dolphin DVR Pro because Dolphin team have very talented expert for DVR, NVR, HVR and CCTV HDDs and SD cards.

It’s just in today’s afternoon, Dolphin engineer received one remote request from one Dolphin DVR user in Iran to analyze their NVR HDD of 6TB which contains two types video surveillance systems, Read more

This Hitachi HUA722020ALA331 patient HDD is from one DFL user in India.

This patient HDD could be detected within the DFL-DDP data recovery hardware tool, but when trying to access to the file extraction interface and list the lost partitions, the hdd got hang there. Read more

This is one hdd repair and data recovery case for one DFL user from Japan.

When this patient WD HDD-WD2500JS-40TGB0 was received, the HDD was busy and undetected and it’s not possible to access to the data area. Read more

Dolphin team have released the latest data recovery tool-Dolphin DVR Pro. Business Version for DVR NVR HVR CCTV HDDs and SD cards and are shipping by DHL express to worldwide users.

Trial version for this DVR CCTV tool is available by email to [email protected]. Read more

The new software upgrade program-Version 1.571 is available for DFL Toshiba HDD firmware repair tool and this is one big improvement on all the Toshiba hdd firmware repair functions for both bad sector repair and data recovery. Read more

This is one Hitachi HCC543232A7A380 DVR HDD from one DFL user in Germany.

The user is trying to use DFL Hitachi HDD firmware repair tool to remove the DVR lock and access to the hdd SA area and data area. With DVR password in this hard drive, the user couldn’t even read rom and nvram and couldn’t read firmware modules too. Read more