Dolphin Data Lab Western Digital HDD Common FW Package

Dolphin data recovery tools and hdd repair tools have been selected by more and more companies and in order to answer all users’ support, Dolphin Data Lab has started to offer some really good-working common firmware resources for western digital hard drives to be used for hdd refurbishing purpose.

This common firmware package is especially created for Dolphin DFL-FRP for WD (DFL-WDII) and all Dolphin users will get the firmware resources gradually and new users will get these firmware resources by DVD.

This WD common firmware package contains firmware modules and ROM modules for both laptop hard drives and desktop hard drives of different families and please note this firmware package works only with DFL-WDII tool, if users use them with any other tools, it will damage the patient hdd and Dolphin Data Lab won’t bear any loss for this one.

Besides, Dolphin Data Lab offers this WD common FW package to help our users with higher success rate of hdd refurbishing, this is not for data recovery.  For data recovery purpose, users can access to our FTP firmware resource center and we will add more firmware resources there.

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